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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    Cultural Marxism for the Kids



    By Larry Sand

    The left’s plan to disfigure America is moving right along.

    The results of a survey released last week revealed that two-thirds of 18-39 year-old Americans do not know that 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust. One-half of the respondents could not name a single concentration camp. One-fourth said the holocaust was a myth and one-tenth blamed it on the Jews.

    I guess this shouldn’t come as a surprise. It is very much in line with other recent polls which find that just 27 percent of those under the age of 45 nationally can demonstrate a basic understanding of American history. Additionally, 57 percent  of all Americans don’t know we have nine Supreme Court justices, 60 percent don’t know which countries we fought in WWII, and only 32 percent can correctly name all three branches of government.

    Instead of cleaning up its act, the education establishment is doubling down. In fact, America’s children are in the process of having their brains scrubbed clean. Instead of teaching actual history, we are seeing more and more curricula that is pointedly critical of America and its traditional values. Facts are irrelevant. Objectivity is non-existent. Lies are truth.

    The new indoctrination is for the most part of the far-left race-obsessed variety. In Virginia, the state Board of Education is in the process of discussing recommendations set forth in a report commissioned by Governor Ralph Northam. It proposes revamping Virginia’s school curriculum, to include “critical race theory,” which claims that “whiteness” is a moral blight and that all white people are complicit in oppressing people of color.

    The largest school district in North Carolina has just launched a website that provides Black Lives Matter lessons for teachers. Yes, the appropriately named Wake County will tell white kids to recognize the fact they are privileged, and importantly instruct them on how they can recruit allies to the BLM cause.

    Perhaps the biggest splash made by the cultural Marxists is “The 1619 Project,” which is making its way into classrooms across the country. The core of this agenda-driven fantasy claims that one of the primary reasons the colonists revolted against England was to preserve the institution of slavery. However, this was a bridge too far even for Nikole Hannah-Jones, the creator of the fraud, who now claims that she meant to say “some of” the colonists fought to preserve slavery, not all of them.  Hence, the thrust behind the project has been eviscerated, but that change will not deter the zealots from forcing the bogus project on kids all over the country.

    In California, where “wokeness” supersedes godliness as an admired attribute in some circles, it’s coming down to crunch time for the embattled Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC).

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    *Republished with author’s permission

    Larry Sand, a former classroom teacher, is the president of the non-profit California Teachers Empowerment Network – a non-partisan, non-political group dedicated to providing teachers and the general public with reliable and balanced information about professional affiliations and positions on educational issues. The views presented here are strictly his own.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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    3 years ago

    Man , what a tough one. Most people cant afford to home school because they need 2 incomes to survive.
    How do you counter the nonsense being taught in schools?
    In related news ,Macron of France has outlawed home schooling to avoid ” religious indoctrination. Why does that not include ” madrassas” the purely muslim theological schools that many devout muslims send their children to?
    Children need basic education, not indoctrination. Let parents pass on theirs ch views to their children , not the government…

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