News Release
Ventura, CA. – Each year, during the second week of April, the Ventura Police Department (VPD) recognizes National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, which brings attention and recognition to the unseen first responders who serve as the essential link between the public and emergency personnel in times of crisis.
“Christine is an incredible dispatcher, a dedicated training coordinator, an exemplary leader, and a deserving recipient of this award,” said Communications Center Supervisor Sergeant Tim Ferrill. “Christine is a great role model for new employees, regularly showcases her ability to stay calm during critical incidents, and is infectiously positive in an otherwise stressful working environment.”
VPD is the local public safety answering point for Ventura’s emergency calls, including police, fire, and emergency medical services.
In 2022, Ventura Police public safety dispatchers received over 196,055 total calls, over 50,000 of which were 911 calls, resulting in over 83,000 calls for service and over 124,000 unit responses.
“Emergency response starts when a call is answered, and our dispatchers are vital in providing immediate service to callers in crisis,” said Police Chief Darin Schindler. “They are highly trained professionals called upon hundreds of times a day to provide comfort and direction, navigate complex and dangerous situations, and inspire confidence in our patrol officers, knowing they have all the information needed to do their jobs quickly and safely.”
Christine Lindsay has been a dispatcher with VPD since July 2014, serving as the Training Coordinator for the past three years. Most recently, she earned the Golden Mic award for expertly handling the false alarm active assailant incident at Ventura College.
The Ventura Police Department is currently hiring Lateral Public Safety Dispatchers. Learn more and apply online at