There are only a few opportunities in life to make a real difference by standing up for what you believe in.
The next one is coming on July 22.
Glenn Beck and Fathom Events invite you to your local movie theatre to experience a live national night of action against Common Core. WE WILL NOT CONFORM is a chance for anyone who’s tired of sitting idly by as the federal government continues its takeover of our schools to come together and do something about it.
WE WILL NOT CONFORM isn’t a typical show, it’s an interactive experience where theatregoers will work with experts like Michelle Malkin, David Barton and others in pursuit of real, tangible strategies to wake up our friends and neighbors and make our voices heard. This isn’t an evening about observing, it’s a chance to learn, share and engage with people as frustrated and motivated as you are. By the end of the night, the brainpower, experience, and passion of thousands of people from around the country will be captured in a comprehensive, unified plan of action distributed to all participants.
To Common Core supporters who thought they would win through silence, this night will be a very loud wake-up call. If you are sick of the endless rhetoric, futile debates, and useless advice about changing the system at the ballot box, then WE WILL NOT CONFORM is the event you’ve been waiting for.
Why You Should Be There
Education is the Most Important Issue.
We all want our children to be the best and brightest in the world, but a top-down, one-size-fits-all solution is not a solution at all. It’s no coincidence that the more the federal government has gotten involved in education, the worse things have become–so why would we tolerate more of it? As former Obama “Regulatory Czar” Cass Sunstein recently wrote about, studies have shown that governments can “greatly affect students’ thinking.” A recent study in China proved that “government planners were able to succeed in altering students’ views on fundamental questions about their nation.” If Common Core succeeds, the ability of an administration to influence curriculum at a national level will be unprecedented…and unstoppable.
Common Core Can Still be Stopped.
These standards are still being implemented across the country–but the window for action is small and closing quickly. The more parents, teachers and administrators understand this issue, the more strongly they oppose it. But education is the key. This event will give you the tools you need to go out into your community and make a real difference. Besides, victories against Common Core at all levels only help to pave the way to expand school choice opportunities and educate more people on why additional federal intervention into education is not the answer.
Meet Hundreds of Like-Minded People in Your Area.
Those who come to theaters on July 22 will be very much like you: people who are concerned about what Common Core means for our kids and our future. By joining us that night you will not only be showing your support, you’ll also be making lasting connections with those who live in your area and are willing to help.
George Miller is Publisher of and a “retired” operations management consultant, active in civic affairs, living in Oxnard.
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