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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    In Defense of Western Civilization | The 2019 Conservative “Oscars” for Activism – “Heroes of Conscience”

    By Debra Tash & George Miller 

    The American Freedom Alliance (AFA), a 501C3 with an ambitious agenda to help to uphold/defend Western Civilization, held its annual awards on August 18th. Some have likened these to “Conservative Oscars for Activism.” Those they honored exemplified the AFA’s mission, their “Heroes of Conscience”.  This year they had three honorees, including Ms. Karen Siegmund, PhD, president of the AFA, who lost her teaching job for her public/constitutionally-protected political views.

    AFA is a growing force bucking the tide of an alleged “Long March of the Left in America,” as they describe what they say is a systematic take-down of the critical pillars of the United States of America. This is part of a general assault on Western Civilization on which the group has amassed considerable research and documentation to back up their claims.  This has garnered AFA being listed as a “hate group” by the Southern Property Law Center (SPLC).  SPLC suffered its own scandal in March of 2019 when its Co-founder, Morris Dees was unceremoniously ousted.

    Private and police security at the AFA event was heavy due to recent threats.

    At least 300 people gathered at the Hilton Universal City in Burbank (LA area), CA to honor the award-winners and network. Universal City home of Universal Studios is one of many nexuses of the Hollywood establishment culture diametrically opposed to so many of AFA’s principles.  The studio has delayed the release of what it calls a satirical thriller, The Hunt where global elites track down and shoot “deplorables.”

    Conservative pundit Bill Whittle emceed an event kicked off with the entire audience singing the Star Spangled Banner and then invocation/prayers given by both a rabbi and pastor.

    In her opening remarks Dr. Siegmund pointed out how “So many have been shut out of the civil space,” and further that the Left’s attacks are like Newton’s Law of Physics – for every reaction there is an equal reaction, but not those actions coming from the right which have been victimized for political gain.

    First up was the American Freedom Award given to Bill Becker, FreedomX renowned free speech and religious freedom legal defender.  Mr. Becker has been successful using one of the Left’s most effective tactics, “Law-fare”. The first case he took on defended keeping on a small cross on the Los Angeles County’s logo.  He lost that one but has won other cases, most notably against the Huntington Beach School District for denying two students the right to pass out pamphlets to encourage others to “Bring your Bible to School”.  In accepting the award Mr. Becker asked, “What is the price of freedom?” He answered, it’s not for monetary gain but for no greater honor than to continue to serve.  Becker pushes onward.  FreedomX’s latest suit is being filed against the Mall of America.  Though the state of Minnesota dropped charges against Pastor Ramin Parsa for allegedly offending a Somali woman who overheard him say, “Praise the Lord!”, the law firm is challenging the ability of an “offended observer” to claim damage from overheard speech.

    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans serif font size 12pt>Bill Becker on the left receiving his American Freedom Award from Becker was given the award by Mark Tapson Photo Credit Debra Tash<span>

    Next to be honored, with the first ever Game-Changer Award,  was Brandon Straka, who founded the #WalkAway campaign., encouraging Democrats to leave the party, as it has betrayed them and lied to them repeatedly.  Mr. Straka, a gay hairdresser, was a lifelong Democrat who voted for Hillary Clinton and was devastated by her loss in 2016.  However, Straka went through his own “woke” experience with the help of a Facebook friend, when he discovered how the media manipulated the Fake News story of Trump allegedly mocking a disabled reporter.  In his acceptance speech Straka said, “Time for the silent majority to be silent no more.”  Straka also urged the right to be authentic, be who they are.  Straka’s journey involved leaving the violence and hatred on the Left. With a half million social media followers, #WalkAway is breaking through and crossing the political divide. He claims it will have a major impact on the 2020 elections.

    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans serif font size 12pt>Brandon Straka WalkAway Photo Credit Event Photographer<span>

    Noted author and public speaker, Heather MacDonald, a past AFA honoree, presented Karen Siegemund PhD with the group’s Hero of Conscience Award.  Dr. Siegemund has been president of AFA since the founder, Avi Davis’ untimely death in December of 2015   Beloved by her students, Siegemund taught Advanced Math and Ancient Greece at Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles, her alma mater.  She had been dismissed after organizing a conference in May, The Long March Through the Institutions | The Left’s Revolution By Other Means, The Left’s Revolution By Other Means. Citizens Journal Publisher, George Miller covered the event: Conference Explores Left’s “Long March Through the Institutions” Takeover.  Siegemund maintained that she defended Western Civilization as a force for good and that her firing was for being on the wrong side with her conservative politics.  In accepting the award she stressed that her fight was a fight for the culture.

    Dr. Siegnmund will fight on with the help of AFA donors who readily ponied up to make the group’s presidency a full time position with Siegemund at the helm. To check out and donate to: The American Freedom Alliance

    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans serif font size 12pt>Dr Karen Siegemund Photo Credit Event Photographer<span>

    Capping off the evening was Katie Hopkins, famed British wit.  She congratulated America on the number of job openings and that, perhaps, Britain may make a comeback with its new prime minister, Boris Johnson, who is moving the country towards the long awaited Brexit.  Hopkins admitted that Trump had better hair than Johnson.  She urged Americans to fight now like the protesters in Hong Kong…. and that all who love freedom must step up with this motto in mind, “Follow me when it hurts.”  Fight on.

    To check out and donate to: The American Freedom Alliance


    Debra Tash is Editor-in-Chief of, past president for Citizens Alliance for Property Rights, business executive and award-winning author, residing in Somis. 

    George Miller is Publisher/Co-Founder of and a “retired” operations management consultant residing in Oxnard

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    Brian Kearsey
    Brian Kearsey
    5 years ago

    Kudos on yet another great post and thanks for including a mention of the SPLC to alert people about their unsavory agenda. In their undying efforts to promote the concentration of totalitarian power in the hands of a small group of elites, here they even take a snideswipe at the McGuffey Readers for not being politically correct in the second half of the 1800’s!

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