By Greg Aprahamian
Rep. Katie Hill announced that she is resigning from Congress.
Hill was caught in a corruption scandal involving sexual deviance. The scandal was opening up into other troubling, and possibly illegal, activities involving her office finances and payments that her office made to staffers that were involved in her alleged extramarital affairs.
Immigration activists fought her pro illegal alien, pro open borders agenda. The media paid no attention to this. Rep. Katie Hill voted to approve a Dream Act type amnesty, (Never to be passed in the Senate), she refused to condemn illegal aliens voting in our elections (An amendment connected with HR-1) , and she signed a letter to Sec. Ben Carson condemning his move to prioritize low income American citizens for Federal public housing in his effort to remove illegal aliens that currently illegally occupy approximately 25,000 Federal public housing units.
Katie HIl ran as a moderate, but quickly proved to everyone that she was really an open borders fanatic.
Rep. Katie HIl was a nightmare for Americans and Constituents who oppose the chaos that open borders and illegal immigration brings into our country.
Immigration activists in her district and around Southern California fought Katie Hill”s disastrous policies, We disrupted her Santa Clarita town hall, showed up at her public events, all in an effort to show the public how pro illegal she really was.
Katie Hill’s resignation was the right thing for her to do.
Immigration activists in CA25 will now focus our energy on making sure the next representative that replaces her will oppose amnesty for illegal aliens, and work to enforce our immigration laws and secure our borders.
Greg Aprahamian is a Santa Clarita activist
The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.
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