By Oscar Garcia, Assistant Editor, Citizens Journal
The declared GOP candidates for 2024 US Presidential Election are a varied and very diverse group- indeed the field is currently majority minority, featuring a woman of color, African-Americans, Indian-Americans. and white Americans.
Recent coverage from National Public Radio, however, has a conspicuous omission; there is no mention of nationally prominent commentator Larry Elder.
This is an astonishing blunder due to the high profile of Mr. Elder. Citizens Journal has reached out to NPR to seek comment or explanation of this glaring lack of completeness. The original article – – was originally published on March 8, and has been updated 3 times since then, most recently on May 24. Larry Elder publicly announced his candidacy on April 20.
It is unclear if the NPR omission is due to sloppy journalism or is part of a larger effort to weaken a black conservative candidate.
Additionally, Mr. Elder is also excluded from the list of possible candidates in that article. As of the time of publication, Citizens Journal has not received any response from NPR on this topic and information about whether they plan to issue a correction and an apology.
NPR / State Funded Media is trying to keep a Black man down! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE !
It is an outrage, although I believe you are not serious. The outrage is that taxes help pay for that leftwing bullshit broadcast called National Public Radio. Cut them off and let’s see how much listener devotion there really is.
Tommy: dammmmm you, yes I am VERY serious! Larry Elder is the candidate that can move America forward if elected president. And I do agree with your assessment of NPR!
Oops, typo – should say Larry Elder is the candidate that can move America BACKWARD if elected president, to a time when good Christian white folk could oppress all those who are trying to take our superiority away from us.
To (?) If that’s a joke, that’s a terribly unfunny and sick joke. If that’s a sincere comment, you are a sick person and should re-think your ways.