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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    OUTRAGE: Government Claims C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, Orwell All ‘Radicalize’ Kids

    (Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash)
    Photo by <a href=httpsunsplashcomawcreativeututm source=unsplashutm medium=referralutm content=creditCopyText>Adam Winger<a> on <a href=httpsunsplashcomphotosjemgmDw4LJ4utm source=unsplashutm medium=referralutm content=creditCopyText>Unsplash<a>

    Beware parents, if you have the “Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe” in your home library.

    It’s actually more than just a children’s story, contends a government office in the United Kingdom.

    It’s actually a means to “radicalize” children.

    So reports the Christian Institute, which points out that the U.K. government’s “blacklist” of materials includes writings by C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkein, George Orwell and even the BBC.

    “What could be more heartwarming than a child stepping through the pages of a book into an enchanting tale of redemption, justice and sacrifice? Where the imaginary can invite the mind to see beyond any concerns or objections to the Gospel and cause it to appear there for the first time in its ‘real potency’?” the report said. “Well, the government begs to differ with C S Lewis ⁠— by seemingly categorizing his works, which could include his fairy tales and theological reflections, as potentially ‘radicalising’ to readers.”

    The report said the “nonsense” was revealed during a review of the U.K. government’s Prevent counter-terrorism scheme that flagged materials that were “well short of the extremism threshold.”

    The report said, ‘Since 2011 Prevent has been more focused on ‘non-violent extremism.’ Its definition of extremism – ‘vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs’ – has been widely criticized for endangering free speech.”

    The Christian Institute noted that in reality, “Ideas put forward by people once thought seditious, dangerous or just plain crazy have greatly blessed our land and others. Democracy needs dissent, and silencing it undermines its very foundations.”

    CS Lewis

    It said it has published a booklet, “The little book of non-violent extremists,” to point out that “historic pioneers such as Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks could have been labelled as extremists for advocating overturning society’s view on segregation.”

    And Lewis was a “dogwhistle for the ‘Extreme Right-Wing’ movement,” according to the government, the institute charged.

    It said the schemes are just the latest way for activists to weaponize counter-terrorism concerns to bash opinions they dislike.

    “Back in 2015, an Institute-led campaign gained a key victory when the government ditched a section of Prevent guidance that would have forced university societies in Britain, such as Christian Unions, to hand over external speakers’ talks two weeks in advance for vetting,” it noted.



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