By Michael Hernandez
PHOENIX, AZ—”The left wing mob is trying to demolish our heritage. They are tearing down statues, desecrating monuments,” said President Donald J. Trump addressing 3,000 Students For Trump at Dream City Church on Tuesday. “This is not the behavior of a peaceful movement; but the behavior of totalitarians and people who don’t love our country. The left is not trying to promote justice or equality. They have one goal: to demolish monuments and attack churches. Nothing is sacred and no one is safe.
“We have a shared set of moral principles and enduring truth that the United States is the greatest and most righteous nation that ever existed. Our beloved heroes (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ulysses Grant) of American history that are being torn up by militant mobs are held up as examples to the world. Our heroes are true examples of greatness and a point of pride. We will cherish them forever. These are the values that our country is built upon and took our civilization to towering heights; reaching new summits with artistic triumphs and human achievement.
“We believe in law and order. We know that American patriots don’t bow down to left wing bullies. The only authority we worship is our God. We will never cave to the left wing and the left wing intolerances. We will never surrender to the left wing.
“The hard left is trying to denigrate the history of our country. The left have looted our businesses, assaulted innocent civilians, and brutalized hundreds and hundreds of police officers. They preside over the mayhem of the 20 most dangerous cities of America, all run by Democrats. The murder rate of Detroit and Baltimore is higher than El Salvador, Guatemala, and Afghanistan.
“Their movement is about hate. Ours is about love: love of family, nation and fellow citizens. We embark on the noble vision of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. who believed that people should not be judged based on the color of their skin but on the content of their character.
“We have a choice of two futures: the left’s vision of disunity and discord; or our vision of equal opportunity and equal justice. We are at the crossroads of history. I have never been more confident that America will rise to heights of greatness. Your hearts are full of fervor of true American patriots. The great spirit of righteous defiance stirs deep within you. It drove the America frontiersmen—people who built our nation.
“You will serve our country well. Together we will rebuild our nation, revitalize our cities, take back our universities and colleges and preserve the America we love. We will defend our values, our faith, our heritage, our borders and our God given rights. We will unite every city of every race, color and religion as one extraordinary nation under God.
“With your help, this will be a turning point in American history to be remembered and celebrated for generations to come by our young people for our communities and for our beloved country. The best is yet to come. God bless you. God bless America.”
President Trump stopped in Yuma to survey an additional 216 miles of built border wall and participate in a border security roundtable before heading to Phoenix for the student rally. Students for Trump is a project of Turning Point Action, which is a sister group to Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA organization.
Michael Hernandez, Co-Founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service; editor of the History Makers Report and founder of History Makers International—a community nonprofit serving youth and families in Ventura County, is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor. He worked 25 years as a middle school teacher in Monrovia and Los Angeles Unified School Districts. Mr. Hernandez can be contacted by email at [email protected].
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Preoccupation with President Trump distracts from the Left’s continued dismantling of the U.S. Republic.
If Mike Pence became President tomorrow, Black Lives Matter and Hamas (dba the Council on American Islamic Relations) would continue rewriting American history in the form of destroying physical memorials and monuments.
The end of America is what the Left wants.
We must get rid of trump in nov.