California Gov. Gavin Newsom told a few whoppers during his 18-minute State of the State Tuesday evening. Listening to him, someone from another state might mistake California for a state with low unemployment, affordable housing, cheap gas and affordable energy, superior public schools and universities, treatment and services for homeless living on the streets, and a state fully re-opened from COVID lockdowns and mask mandates.
Au Acontraire mon frere. Newsom’s speech was mostly a rehash of the last few years. And he seemed in a hurry to get it over.
Gov. Newsom glaringly said nothing at all about the drought and need for more water and reservoirs, which voters already approved and paid for through water bonds.
The Globe and the California Policy Center live tweeted under #GovGavGab thoughts and fact checks during Newsom’s blessedly short speech.
Newsom took an early jab at Donald Trump without even saying Trump’s name:
“California does democracy like nowhere else in the world. No other place offers opportunity to so many from so many different backgrounds. But we can’t take our democracy for granted.
Authoritarian and illiberal impulses aren’t just rising overseas. They’ve been echoing here at home for some time. We might not have strongmen quite literally waging war in our country, we are plagued by agents of a national anger machine, fueling division, weaponizing grievance.”
“The California Way means rejecting old binaries and finding new solutions to big problems.”
As for “authoritarian and illiberal impulses,” Newsom is the archetype as he clings to his 2-years of emergency powers, ruling by executive orders, dissing the State Legislature, and extension of the State of Emergency even as COVID dwindles.
One of the biggest whoppers: Newsom praised job creation in California. Yet California has one of the worst unemployment rates of any state in the entire country.
Gov. Newsom said “California experienced far lower COVID death rates than any other large state.”
“No state, no state took bolder steps to protect public health and human life over the last two years,” Newsom said.
Our lockdowns, distressing as they were, saved lives. Our mask mandates, our mask mandates saved lives. Your choices saved lives. California experienced far lower COVID death rates than any other large state. Fewer than Texas, Ohio. Fewer than Florida — 35 percent fewer, to be exact.”
Yet, as the California Policy Center pointed out, “California and Florida had similar COVID case trends during the Omicron wave, even though California had significantly more restrictions, including the statewide mask mandate. LA, which had the most restrictions, had the highest case rate of any county in CA.”
Click here to read the full article at the California Globe
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I don’t know, but I saw graphs that tracked CoVD cases state-by-state and CA ranked right up there with the leaders no matter how you sliced it, total cases, per 1,000 population and all the other ways that folks who are impressed with such things manage to display them.
As for fiscal responsibility, I am still wondering what bookkeeping legerdemain they used to arrive at the announced surplus when there were so many programs shoveling money out like it was snow in Fairbanks. Or did they just authorize the programs but failed to fund them such as the landlords/tenants relief fund where according to another article in this medium if one submits an application for relief it somehow gets lost in the bowels of some dead letter office in Sacramento.
Gov. Whooper Newsom. LOL