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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    Times Square Billboard Demands Biden End Federal Mask Mandate

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    Laurel Duggan 

    A massive billboard appeared in Times Square Thursday morning asking that President Joe Biden end the federal mask mandate, according to the Job Creators Network.

    “Hey Joe! Even your home state is ditching the mask requirements. Isn’t it time you do the same?!” the billboard reads. “Blue States, including Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware, are ditching mask mandates because the American people are tired of them.”

    Delaware is dropping its indoor mask mandate on Wednesday and school mask mandates in March, a move that comes amid a handful of blue states suddenly reversing course on two years of strict mask requirements.

    Oregon, New Jersey and Connecticut made announcements Monday about dropping their school mask mandates, NPR reported, and Virginia Democrats flipped their stance on mask requirements Tuesday.

    “The American people are hungering to go back to normal.  And yet, Biden is holding out, keeping all the federal mask mandates,” JCN president Alfredo Ortiz said in a press release.

    “The sooner we can get back to normal, the sooner our economy can begin recovering from Biden’s low growth and stagflation. We’re calling out Biden publicly in the heart of Times Square,” Ortiz said. “This isn’t a conservative issue or a liberal issue, it’s a common-sense issue – but one that’s key for our recovery.”

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