Oak Park, Calif. (September 1, 2021)–The board of directors of the Triunfo Water & Sanitation District voted to initiate Stage 1 water conservation measures for its nearly 14,000 Oak Park residential and business potable water users. The measures, which were originally established in 2018, go into effect immediately.
Stage 1 water conservation measures include:
–Watering or irrigation of lawn, landscape or other vegetated areas with potable water is limited to three days per week. The provision does not apply to watering by hand-held hoses equipped with self-closing water shut-off devices. Other exclusions apply.
–All leaks, breaks or other malfunctions in the water user’s plumbing, water distribution or irrigation must be repaired within 72 hours after notification by Triunfo Water & Sanitation District.
–Only recycled water may be used on construction sites for dust control, consolidation or backfill.
“Our water suppliers, Metropolitan Water District and Calleguas Municipal Water District, have just declared water shortages. It’s time to follow their lead and move to more restrictive measures on a local level,” says Raymond Tjulander, chair of the district’s board of directors. “Our customers have supported the need to reduce their water consumption through the years. Now, further steps need to be taken as we all deal with the current unprecedented drought.”
Stage 1 measures are the least restrictive. If necessary, the district could implement emergency measures that prohibit all outside watering except for fire prevention, erosion control and other necessary irrigation activities. “We are hopeful that we won’t get to that point,” says Tjulander.
The district already has permanent water conservation reduction measures in place. Stage 1 restrictions are in addition to these.
For a complete list of water conservation guidelines and stage level descriptions, go to  https://www.triunfowsd.com, click on the Education tab and then Usage Guidelines.