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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    All That Is Now Left, Waiting ’til The Vote Is Counted


    Uncensored, free as the birds propagandizers want you to believe that Americans returned baby killing, energy killing bloodthirsty Democrats to power as their rulers.

    O’Biden Bullcrap all the way!

    Where did Tuesday Midterms go yesterday?  Straight down to Hades on Earth with soul less Democrats trying to take the rest of “US” down there with them.

    Key races across the country are still being called—with House and Senate majorities still in the balance

    “US” is the whole world on the basis that everyone is American because it is the American Economy, tattered as it is, that the Free World depends upon.

    On even this first day after voting polls closed, it’s getting easier to see that we’re waiting in Purgatory, not Hell.

    Though power-drunk Dems are out there street dancing, the Truth is that key races across the country are still being called—with House and Senate majorities still in the balance.

    That’s because Democrats and their running dog media are avoiding like the plague talking about the fact that the Midterm Vote is still being counted, and will likely continue to be over the next coming days.

    How many days?

    Who knows?!

    Governor Ron DeSantis emerged as the greatest hope for a Republican president in 2024

    Out of last night’s morass with folk voting with the same voting machines as those in play in Election 2020,  Governor Ron DeSantis, not only left Charlie Crist far back in the dust,  but emerged as the greatest hope for a Republican president in 2024.

    Inviting him into the MAGA Movement would be more than prudent now that he’s the brightest light beckoning on a somewhat bleak horizon.

    What should folk be doing while waiting for the vote to be counted?

    Wait patiently, as Arizona Governor race contender Kari Lake advises.

    “Kari Lake tears into ‘cheaters and crooks’ and says she will ‘keep fighting’ to make elections ‘free and fair’ as she falls BEHIND Democrat rival Katie Hobbs in the Arizona Governor race and zeros in on broken voting machines (Daily Mail, Nov. 9, 2022)

    • Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake said she will ‘fight for days’ against those who try to steal elections

    • ‘We had a big day today and don’t let those cheaters and crooks think anything different – don’t let them put doubt in you,’ Lake said

    “Kari Lake promised she will ‘fight for days’ to ensure the 2022 midterms in Arizona were conducted ‘fairly’ before a final count is reported as she falls behind her Democratic challenger by 5 percent amid chaos with voting machine malfunctions.

    “Lake delivered a speech from Scottsdale, Arizona on Tuesday evening when she was trailing her opponent Katie Hobbs by double digits, claiming that the ‘cheaters’ are trying to tell Republicans they didn’t have the ‘red tsunami’ they predicted.

    “The former broadcast journalist made significant strides from the time of her speech to a few hours later, gaining more than half the ground needed to pull out a victory.

    “‘We had a big day today and don’t let those cheaters and crooks think anything different – don’t let them put doubt in you,’ Lake said to a cheering crowd at the Scottsdale Resort at McCormick Ranch.

    “‘We have a movement and we know it,’ she added.

    “As of 4am on Election Night, 61 percent of the votes in Arizona were reported and Lake was behind Hobbs by just 2.6 – a far better projection than hours earlier when she was trailing by 11 points.

    “‘I did a lot of praying to God. I’ve been praying to God all day, every day,’ Lake said during her speech Tuesday night when it became clear results would not be called on Election Day. ‘And I said to him, ‘You make this victory come whatever way you want.’

    “‘If it comes decisive on Election Day, then bring it to us that way,’ she added. ‘If we have to fight through the BS and the garbage, then we will fight through the BS and the garbage.’

    “‘How do you get fair and free elections?’ the Trump-backed candidate went on. ‘You have to fight and win to make them fair and free.’

    “‘And we needed another stark reminder that we have incompetent people running the show in Arizona,’ she said, referencing glitches in voting systems in Arizona’s largest county of Maricopa, which encompasses Phoenix.

    “Republican County Recorder Stephen Richer announced that about one fifth of its electronic vote tabulation machines in Maricopa County were malfunctioning just hours into Election Day on Tuesday, November 8.


    “Election officials in Arizona claimed that the problem with tabulation machines at 20 percent of Maricopa County polling sites was resolved at 52 of the 60 affected centers.

    “‘Every legal vote will be tabulated. I promise,’ Richer assured.

    “Lake and GOP Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters filed a lawsuit demanding polling places extend their hours to 10pm, but a judge denied the emergency request.

    “When making her speech around midnight on Election Day, Lake insisted that it’s still early for to tell who will win the election and referenced previous races where rolling results showed GOP gains.

    “‘I just want you to know – it’s early. It’s very early,’ Lake said. ‘And if we have to take this fight through, we will.’

    “‘If it takes hours or days, we will,’ she insisted.”

    Patience is no longer just a virtue, but in times like this, an absolute necessity. No Election is EVER over until ALL votes are counted.

    Lake is right, we all of us must leave despondency and despair behind while we patiently WAIT AND SEE.


    Judi McLeod — Bio and Archives — Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of Citizens Journal



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