The Ventura Police Department, Ventura Police Community Foundation and McConnell’s Fine Ice Cream invite the community to come “Chill with VPD”. The annual community event will be held in the south west parking lot of the Pacific View Mall nearest to McConnell’s.
The event will feature a “touch a truck” area for children to view police vehicles. There will also be opportunities to learn about SWAT, Motors, Patrol, CSI and more. A bike rodeo will be featured with a bike course for children to practice bike safety skills. Participants are encouraged to bring their bikes and helmets. The rodeo will give children an opportunity to prepare for safe summer bike riding.
Officers will be available to answer questions about public safety concerns in our community. Ventura Police Patrol Officers, K9s, SWAT, Motors, Patrol TAsk Force, CSI and more will be gathered to meet the community they serve. This is an opportunity for residents to get to know the officers who patrol Ventura. There is no cost to attend and community members can drop by anytime on June 1st, 2019 between 10 am to 2 pm. For more information call 805-339-4317.