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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    California Has Made Voting Easier, But Regular Voters Still Skew White and Old, Poll Finds

    By Benjamin Oreskes

    Voting in California has never been easier.

    Eligible residents can get help in 10 languages. Ballots are sent to registered voters’ homes. They have a month to drop a ballot off in boxes around their municipality. That’s on top of multiple days of voting in person and the ability to register to vote up until the last minute.

    Despite all that, the people who vote most often remain older, whiter and wealthier than most Californians, according to a new survey from UC Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies.

    Just under 4 in 10 of the state’s registered voters are what Berkeley defined as regular voters — those who have cast ballots in at least five of the last seven statewide elections. Berkeley researchers determined the frequency of voting by verifying the voter histories of more than 6,000 registered voters whom they surveyed.

    That pool of regular voters is 71% white, a share that is significantly larger than the white share of registered voters. Latinos, at 14%, were underrepresented among regular voters. Those frequent voters were also disproportionately over the age of 50.

    Roughly another 4 in 10 registered voters are either infrequent voters — those who have voted only once or twice in the last seven elections — or people who haven’t voted at all despite being registered. That group is about one-third white but about 40% Latino.

    Infrequent voters are also much more likely to be young, to be renters and to be unmarried, Berkeley found.

    Registered voters who identified as Asian or Pacific Islanders were also more likely to be infrequent voters or to not have cast a ballot in the last seven elections.

    Black voters were represented about equally in each group.

    Asked why they didn’t vote more often, registered voters who cast ballots infrequently or never cited a lack of information or interest. About 3 in 10 said they didn’t know enough about the candidates or the issues to vote. A similar share said they were “not that interested” in the contests.

    About 1 in 4 registered voters who didn’t vote frequently or hadn’t voted at all said they felt their vote didn’t matter much or that no matter how they voted, special interests and big money controlled politics.

    Fewer than 1 in 10 said that voting was inconvenient or confusing.

    By contrast, those who vote regularly said they did so to “stand up for the candidates and issues I believe are important” (65%), “to influence the direction of state and local government” (64%), or because voting is “an important civic duty” (62%).

    The poll results “dramatize the differences that we knew existed. The differences are just profound. … It’s two very different worlds,” said Berkeley IGS poll director Mark DiCamillo.

    “The state has invested in trying to make voting easier. That’s what the state is doing when it’s sending out ballots early,” DiCamillo added.

    “What still needs to happen is the communication of the value of voting to voters. And that’s the task ahead.”

    The prospect of Latino voters coming to the polls in numbers proportional to their 40% share of the state’s population and transforming local and state races has tantalized activists and analysts for years. But it has not come to pass.

    The latest example came last year when Rick Caruso ran for Los Angeles mayor.

    Part of his strategy rested on the idea that he could engage working-class Latino voters with an army of paid door-knockers and messages about public safety, corruption and homelessness.

    Polls showed that those issues potentially could mobilize voters, and Caruso’s large fortune gave him tens of millions of dollars to spend on televised advertising to drive home his message.

    Nonetheless, turnout lagged in neighborhoods that were majority Latino, one reason Caruso lost the race to then-Rep. Karen Bass by 10 points. 

    California has been relatively successful in getting people registered to vote. The state has just under 22 million registered voters, 82.3% of the eligible population, according to the most recent statistics from the secretary of state’s office. A decade ago, 76% of the eligible population was registered, and a decade before that, 69%.

    California’s level of registered voters is significantly higher than the nationwide average, which was 69% in 2022, according to the Census Bureau.

    But the state has lagged in actual voter turnout.

    In the 2022 midterm elections, California’s turnout was 43% of the voter-eligible population, which ranked the state 35th in the country, according to statistics compiled by the U.S. Elections Project, based at the University of Florida.

    The state’s efforts to increase voter participation have included a law adopted in 2021 requiring that every voter be mailed a ballot.

    A large majority of registered voters, 63%, say voting is easier now that ballots are sent a month before election day, the Berkeley poll found. Just 27% said the new law had caused no change in the ease of voting, and 4% said voting was harder.

    Reflecting the partisan division nationwide over voting, 77% of Democrats said that it’s now easier to vote, while among Republicans, 36% said so and 49% said the law had not changed how easy it is to vote.

    About two-thirds of registered voters said they thought it was the state’s responsibility to expand voter outreach among underrepresented groups. About the same number of registered voters said they’d back devoting more state money to this mission.

    Candidates for statewide office next year — including in the race to replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein — have already emphasized the importance of turning out voters who have either been ignored or are not in parts of the state that receive as much attention.

    Political consultants in California say, however, that it’s a tall order to engage and excite potential voters who are less well off and are concerned with the tasks of getting through the day.

    Click here to read the full article at the LA Times


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    Michael A
    Michael A
    1 year ago

    The History of “Motor Voter” is the usual litany of spastic liberals determined to keep them in power forever. It started with Sen Teddy Kennedy in the US Senate. In California, it was carried on by legislators of Mexican descent (some of the same ones booted from the LA City Council for outrageously racist recorded comments about Blacks and Gays) who told us how “racist” it was not to give driver’s licenses to illegal invaders from South of the border. All designed to keep California a third-world hell-hole in perpetuity.

    Michael A
    Michael A
    1 year ago

    There is something called “motor voter” in California which this article did not mention. “Motor voter” allows people doing business at the DMV to conveniently register to vote. Since California allows non-citizens to get driver’s licenses, is it not logical to think that many non-citizens are getting on the voter roles by simply “fibbing” to the DMV clerk that they are indeed lawful citizens? (and urged on by Spanish language media) I believe it does. Elections in California no longer make any sense and I believe this scheme at the DMV is the cause.

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