Thursday, October 24, 2024
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    CJ Columnist’s Story in Addiction Recovery Magazine

    By George Miller

    Citizens Journal columnist Lang Martinez mentioned us in his “Nobody Knows But Me” article appearing in this month’s 5th anniversary special edition of “Keys to Recovery” magazine, which is printed and distributed in California and 30 additional states. It is chock full of stories about addiction, treatment, testimonials and ads for treatment providers. We understand that the article will be translated into multiple languages. Great story, originally run in CJ. Local nurse Bonnie Rouda teams up with Lang to write these articles.
    Lang has had a very hard life, says he was on the streets for years, addicted to meth, did 8 years hard time in the big house, had three relapses, stooped to low deeds to support his addiction. But, NOW, it’s do or die for him to clean up his act, with seemingly manic energy. He described his recovery program as a faith-based effort. Lang will be celebrating one year of sobriety this month! He works, lives in a house, drives a car, has a good family relationship and is giving back to the homeless community now.
    We pray for his success and healing, along with many others going through such trials.

    Previous installments of “Nobody Knows But Me” series:

    Nobody Knows But Me: Part 4: My Daily Reprieve- My story about being homeless on the streets of Oxnard-

    Nobody Knows But Me: Part 4: My Daily Reprieve- My story about being homeless on the streets of Oxnard-

    By Lang Martinez, with Bonnie Rouda- Romans 5, verse 3 through 5 Peace and Hope …. 3 Not only so, but we[c] also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, […]

    “Nobody knows but me”, “God did”! My story about being homeless on the streets of Oxnard- Part 3

    “Nobody knows but me”, “God did”! My story about being homeless on the streets of Oxnard- Part 3By Lang Martinez, with Bonnie Rouda-   Like a clown, I put on a show. The pain is real and nobody knows and I’m dying inside, Nobody knows but me.  My name is Lang Martinez and I am an alcoholic and addict, but most definitely a contender for anything else in regards to addiction. I […]

    Nobody Knows But Me: My story about being homeless on the streets of Oxnard- Part 2

    Nobody Knows But Me: My story about being homeless on the streets of Oxnard- Part 2By Lang Martinez, with Bonnie Rouda . . I’m writing this article in hopes that it will shed some light on the difficulties and obstacles with trying to get help for sobriety in Ventura County. What I hope to accomplish is raising awareness of these difficulties and obstacles, as well as the need for more […]

    Nobody Knows But Me: My story about being homeless on the streets of Oxnard- Part 1

    Nobody Knows But Me: My story about being homeless on the streets of Oxnard- Part 1

    By Lang Martinez –  What caused me personally to become homeless living on the streets in Oxnard? Methamphetamine use. Being homeless definitely taught me a whole new learning experience of self-perseverance and survival. Bottom line, trust no one but yourself! My number one priority in life while on the streets was to get my poison, my […]

    George Miller is Publisher/Co-Founder of and a “retired” operations management consultant residing in Oxnard

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