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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Commentary | Take the Mask Off


    By Debra Tash

    Ever since returning from a visit to Texas in April, I have unmasked whenever possible.  Governor Greg Abbott lifted their state mandate on March 2nd of this year.  Their hospitalizations and death rates continued to decline even though fewer and fewer people wore face coverings.  What did this prove to anyone with common sense?  That masking up was an exercise without a point?  California was the first state to lockdown in March of 2020 and aside from Michigan, and the last to remove most of the Covid restrictions. I write most, because the Golden State maintains that if an employee isn’t vaccinated they must still wear the cloth of shame.   Just consider what Cal/OSHA is mandating in its revised industrial guidelines.  In them they have created a separate, and quite second class group of Californians.  


    Could it be control?

    Employers will need to keep track of the number of vaccinated employees and the so-called unclean working for them.  Business owners may incur penalties of they don’t maintain up to date logs of vaccinations.  Why should the vaccinated be wary of the unvaccinated?   If the vaccinated are protected what risk do they still have of getting Covid?  The unvaccinated are just people who are making their own health choices as those who chose one of the three vaccines have done.  Could a stray germ somehow infect those who are supposedly immune?  Do the un-jabbed put the public at any greater risk? Or is it just one more ploy to get those who are not conforming to toe the line by making them continue to wear masks?  

    Yesterday I went grocery shopping. There were more people than I have seen in the last year there without a mask on, even most of the clerks. I didn’t ask the ones who were masked if they were wearing that useless bit of cloth on their face because they have yet to receive the jab?  It was none of my business. And it’s none of the State’s business.  They aren’t our keepers.  The only thing that matters is humanity.  It was heartwarming to see smiles again, people greeting one another, friendly and not afraid.  

    I’m not telling you whether or not I got vaccinated.  It’s none of your business.  All I can say is, I want the government to stop churning out endless guidelines that are little more than bureaucratic hoops to jump through.  Stop with the shaming and the browbeating. 

    And all I have to say to you, the sovereign citizen, unmask and smile and live like free men and women. Enough is more than enough. Let your teeth shine!

    Debra Tash is former Editor-in-Chief of, past president for Citizens Alliance for Property Rights, business executive and award-winning author, residing in Somis.

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    3 years ago

    A very intelligent and well reasoned piece, BRAVO, Debra!

    Joe C
    Joe C
    3 years ago

    The masks are not medical, they are political.

    3 years ago

    Hallelujah, Praise The Lord that California lifted the mask mandates. Next, Recall Newsom, he’s managed the state of California poorly and we need a new governor that will help create more jobs and most importantly is for California to have the greatest economy by reducing taxes, less regulations by the government and greater wealth for Californians. We need a governor who’s gonna bring California back, I’m hoping to vote in the next few months and will probably vote for Kevin Falconer, I think he will make a great governor who will turn the Golden State into a booming California economy. Californians all know that a great red wave hit the Southwest, Praise God California turned red on Election Night 11.3.20 people

    George Pattone
    George Pattone
    3 years ago

    Amen! Went to the grocery store today maskless for the first time since March 2020 and it was 50/50…
    We need to demonstrate to the fearful among us that it is safe to return to normal, and defy Newsom & Co.’s tyrannical decrees….

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