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    Democrat Assemblywoman CAUGHT Lying About Opposing $$ for Fallen Ventura County Sheriff Family



    By Stephen Frank,  California Political News and View

    Read the statement of Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin carefully.  Note she says she is dropping out of support for a fundraiser for the family of Borderline victim, Deputy Sheriff Ron Helus.  Why?  Because the Sheriff is no longer participating.  But, note it does not deny the two significant charges made against her.

    1.  That her office asked the Sheriff to drop out of raising money for the families of a dead Deputy Sheriff.  In an Acorn article, this was noted, “Irwin did not deny that her office reached out to the sheriff with concerns. At no time did she give any orders, she said.”  Yet her official statement omits this truth.
    2. That she did not want Republicans taking part in an effort to help Fallen Officers?

    She, the Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff Chief Tim Hagel all claimed that political speeches were to be made.  Guess they thought no one would find out the truth.  From a September 12 note to all participants:


    You can have 1-2 minutes to discuss the sacrifice of Fallen Officer Ron Helus and Law Enforcement. The Ron Helus Blue Bowl Tournament is to “Remember Their Sacrifices and to Honor Their Families.” We also want to Unite the community and get respect back for law enforcement. We have to “UNITE”. Your speech should fit the guidelines on why we are here…this is not a political event. We all need to come together and honor, respect and to unite.”  (I have the complete document.

    Sadly, even conservatives bought the lie from Irwin, Hagel and Ayub.

    It should also be noted that a local newspaper, The Acorn reported this: “The sheriff said that when he signed on to speak it was only supposed to be himself and a couple of other “local leaders,” including Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin and possibly U.S. Rep. Julia Brownley.

    Among those added to the list between Aug. 2 and Sept. 14: actor Scott Baio, a Trump supporter, and attorney Ronda Kennedy, Irwin’s GOP opponent in last year’s Assembly race. Singer Joy Villa, an outspoken supporter of Trump and law enforcement, had been invited to sing the national anthem.

    So, when it was ONLY Democrats, no problem.  Yet a member of the Police Foundation and fellow church goer of Officer Helus, Scott Baio is part of the process—also a Trump supporter and Republican—it has to be stopped. (from Acorn article noted above).

    Then you have this from the Acorn article, “Hagel doesn’t deny telling Mike Randall and Rosemary Zore of the Robert L. Zore Foundation, organizers of the event, that “this is not Trump country” and that he felt some of the individuals invited to speak did not “represent the fabric of the community.”

    Note that in every press release from the Sheriff, Hagel, Mayor McCoy and Democrat Jacqui Irwin, NONE deny the anti-Republican, anti-Trump statements as the real reason for withdrawing participation.

    Why hasn’t the media reported this?  Oh, John and Ken on KFI have, Laura Ingraham on Fox has, National Review, has—but where are the Deputy Sheriffs demanding an explanation?  In the future will Democrats stop Republicans from donating to fallen officers as well?  How far will this bullying go—with the victims being law enforcement agents killed by criminals.

    The time has come for honesty from our elected officials.  The community and law enforcement deserve truth, not politics.

    Note the LACK of responding to the issues and misleading the public on Irwin’s role in killing this fund raiser for a fallen Deputy Sheriff, because she did not want Republicans or Trump supporters participating.

    (I should note that the Citizens Journal, led by George Miller, has also been instrumental in bringing out the truth in this story. Expect more from them on this. To find them, go to


    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                           

    October 3, 2019

    CONTACT:  Karie Portillo

    (805) 483-4488 or [email protected]

    “Our community came together in the painful aftermath of the Borderline shooting when 12 people were murdered, including Sergeant Helus who charged into danger to save our friends and neighbors.  That is what Ventura County does as a community.  We come together.  We come together as friends, neighbors, and, yes, as Republicans and Democrats.  I’m very disappointed in what has happened over the last week.  We have mourned at funerals together, we have memorialized the victims at the State Capitol and in our community parks, and we have called, texted, and kept in contact with families as they find their way through unimaginable grief.  Our community has been focused on healing for the past 11 months and now a group that has no ties to Ventura County or California has come to tell us that we are doing it all wrong.  Those organizing the event are trying to divide our community.  They are disparaging Thousand Oaks Police Chief Tim Hagel, a personal friend of Sgt. Helus.  Chief Hagel is revered in this community for his commitment and service.  The people who live here know that.  Honoring Sgt. Helus and the victims of the mass shooting has been my focus since last November and will continue to be my focus. I chose to withdraw after the Sherriff’s Department declined to participate and it became clear to me that self-promotion was being put before our community and before honoring Sgt. Helus.  I choose to lift up the names and memories of Cody, Alaina, Blake, Daniel, Jake, Justin, Kristina, Mark, Noel, Sean, Telemachus, and Sgt. Ron Helus.”

    Stephen Frank: Is the the publisher and editor of the California Political News and Views.  Mr. Frank speaks all over California and appears as a guest on several radio shows each week. He has also served as a guest host on radio talk shows and is a full time political consultant.


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    5 years ago

    I feel the truth on both sides lies somewhere in the middle of the exaggerations. Just wish politicians, those serving this community, and those who are outside of this city; in providing help in events for victims. All would care more about the 12 than themselves. Maybe sharing some factual proof.
    May the 12 Rest In Peace. And May the City of Thousand Oaks not fall into pieces.

    5 years ago

    Why would representatives of this remarkable community not take a stand for US? The Families and the community deserve better.

    It is an honor to be asked to this event to help us show our appreciation and love to the Families who have lost loved ones. Why would anyone, especially those who represent us, decline to show up?

    This has gone National and WE must be represented as the grand place it is.

    Mark Savalla
    Mark Savalla
    5 years ago

    Very hard to tell who is telling the truth.

    Citizen Reporter
    5 years ago
    Reply to  Mark Savalla

    Not really, as you will soon see. Stay tuned.

    5 years ago
    Reply to  Mark Savalla

    No it’s not.

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