Friday, October 25, 2024
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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    From a Bird’s Eye View | Ventura County CA Orders Residents be Imprisoned in their Homes




    by Raven West

    While I realize the seriousness of the current health issue for older citizens, it is NOT the government’s “duty” to order healthy 75 year-olds to be “sheltered in their place of residence” or to be more accurate IMPRISONED in their homes to “protect” them for whatever reason. Where would they go anyway with EVERYTHING closed?

    Healthy 75 year-olds are NOT stupid – they do NOT need to have the government arrest them for walking their dog or going to the apartment complex laundry!

    Is the government going to compensate these US citizens for all the money they’re going to lose by not being allowed to go to work, even if it’s their own business if it’s outside of their homes?

    Just WHO is going to issue these tickets? The overworked Venture sheriff’s department? And what about going to court to fight this unconstitutional restriction on personal freedom when the courts are all CLOSED?

    I’m certain there are plenty of constitutional law attorneys  over the age of 75 who are lining up right now to file law suits against the county…I surely hope!  

    SENIORS OVER 75 – GO OUT OF YOUR HOMES – TAKE TO THE STREETS and PROTEST IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!! Do NOT let the government take your freedom away under the “guise” of protecting your health!

    Today it’s 75 year olds, tomorrow it will be 65, then 55 then the ENTIRE adult population… STOP THIS NOW before it’s TOO LATE!! 

    Fortunately, I’m a very healthy 66 year old and for now this stupid “law” doesn’t apply to me, but if we don’t stop this violation of our individual liberties the government will be locking us up next!

    Ventura County Health Department Press Release

    Raven West is a free-lance writer and published author who has lived in Ventura County for more than twenty years. She has an extensive knowledge of local wineries from Thousand Oaks to Ojai and will be covering special events which take place at the tasting rooms throughout the year.Named in the TOP 50 Authors by

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    Mary Gallegos
    Mary Gallegos
    4 years ago

    Normally I don’t agree with Hicks. This time I do. To the frightened parents, this is a great opportunity to teach your children about good health, respect for others, and the realities of life. Living is a wonderful gift, but it is fraught with risks that will test us every day of our wonderful lives. Maybe you have not yet learned it yourself. Count your blessings you and your children live in America and not another country.

    To all those reading this thinking we will just stand by and see our countries’ freedoms and values destroyed you are dead wrong. We can be patient, but only for so long. We are watching, and waiting. If these infringements on our right to live our lives continue without an obvious justification, you will witness an angry rebellion that will shock your sensitive political correctness.

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    4 years ago

    GET A GRIP CONCERNED MOM! you’re scaring your children unnecessarily.

    ONE QUESTION….”How Long Do You Think You Can Stay Isolated In Your House With Unmerited Fear For Your Children?

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    4 years ago


    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    4 years ago

    Who’s going to enforce this edict anyway?

    mike murphy
    mike murphy
    4 years ago
    Reply to  William Hicks

    I am no longer in law enforcement, having done my time and gotten out, but if i still were, this is one of the orders that i would not enforce, as to me it does not appear to be a lawful order and DOES appear to be unconstitutional on its face. It’s similar to the unlawful orders that were given after Hurricane Katrina to seize people’s lawfully owned firearms, which I also would not have obeyed had I been working in that area.

    Citizen Reporter
    4 years ago

    Technically the Governor’s order is not mandatory, nor can a quarantine be legally imposed without probable cause:

    Watch constitutional attorney Mark Meuser’s take on that:

    But, that being said, limiting contact and sanitizing are the best tools now available to limit the spread of this very contagious, sometimes fatal disease. Mandatory or not, we all need to pitch in to limit the risk.

    Doing things like having big parties, going to the movies and mingling in mall crowds simply do not make sense right now.

    Going to the store to get what is essential, continuing important services, etc, can and should be done.

    We must be careful not to shut down the whole economy and end up with a depression that will kill even more people than the pandemic would. Steps already taken have reduced infections.

    William Westmiller
    William Westmiller
    4 years ago

    Ventura County Supervisors should immediately repeal this foolish, misdirected, and unconstitutional ordinance. They should have fired the County Health Chief the minute he proposed it.

    The Fourth Amendment requires a showing of probable cause to a judge that someone has committed a crime – or is a danger to others – before they can be imprisoned, even in their own residence. This Resolution applies to anyone over the age of 74 years. It is NOT a crime to be 75!

    Nor is it a crime or any form of public endangerment to have any of the “comorbid” diseases that increase virus risk. This law, as written, doesn’t even require a showing that the aged person actually has the Corvid19 virus! The quarantine of non-infectious people is false imprisonment, subject to federal criminal charges.

    I hope someone of means can bring this issue to court, but they probably won’t, unless they’re charged with a violation. The insidious problem is that tyrannical acts that violate rights get a pass if they suit the sentiments of politicians who have immunity from prosecution. By the time bad laws make it to court, they expire and the case is mute.

    Nevertheless, the Supervisors should be embarrassed that they consented to such a terrible law in the midst of public fears and real problems.

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    4 years ago

    .It’s what you get with a one political party politburo

    Raven West
    Raven West
    4 years ago

    Thank you for your comments, however the column was about government control over our lives, not the seriousness of the virus! “Violating the stay-at-home order is technically a misdemeanor offense” – whether law enforcement will enforce it is a different issue, however in some jurisdictions, fining citizens is a GREAT way to increase city revenue – no matter what the reason. Of COURSE we should stay safe, but do we need government to force intelligent people to do this?

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    4 years ago
    Reply to  Raven West

    Raven, those with a brain know that.

    Mark Savalla
    Mark Savalla
    4 years ago

    The point is to decrease personal contact as much as possible. So you shoot high and hope the result will come close. Back to your woke nirvana.

    Dont trip
    Dont trip
    4 years ago

    it is not ridiculous. i agree 100% people are so blind and dont believe it can happen , and For everyone’s sake I hope it doesn’t happen and I hope I am wrong. It seems as if they are taking the last of our freedoms what little we have left at at a time. they’re being stripped From us. Fear mongering that is what they were doing and it’s Working. I mean it’s not like they haven’t ever done it before scaring people into whatever Agenda they’re trying to push. Like I said I hope I am wrong I hope we are all wrong and Nothing happens. But then again we should all be prepared, History repeats itself.

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    4 years ago
    Reply to  Dont trip

    Government is providing the answer to the problem they created; too much dependence on china and our own politicians.

    Mary Newman
    Mary Newman
    4 years ago

    This is ridiculous. No one’s arresting anyone. Settle down.

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    4 years ago
    Reply to  Mary Newman

    That’s true because there’s no cause for all this uber-reaction to a virus without adequate information to base it on.

    Rachel Freeman
    Rachel Freeman
    4 years ago

    How about be a grown up and be responsible here. If you’re not ignorant as you say then look at the scientific data and realized that it’s your generation we are considering valuable here… unless you disagree with that, the sure march right outside and make yourself vulnerable in protest. I for one care about my elderly family members and the elderly people that I care for and I want to keep them safe despite a ridiculously written and temporary law.

    Rob Guidice
    Rob Guidice
    4 years ago

    Whoa! Martial law much?

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    4 years ago
    Reply to  Rob Guidice


    4 years ago

    100% agree

    Charleen Schuss
    Charleen Schuss
    4 years ago

    Raven you are ravin’

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