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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    Instagram Censors Teen ‘Detransitioner’ Chloe Cole For Grotesque Reason

    As if Americans needed any more evidence of the heavy hand and left-wing bias of Big Tech social media corporations, Instagram Saturday restricted the account of Chloe Cole, the world’s most famous young “detransitioner,” reportedly claiming her bio “encourages violence.”

    Cole’s bio on Instagram, which is owned by Meta’s Facebook, reads: “chooocole, Chloe Cole, 19, female (XX), former trans kid, started T [testosterone] & [puberty] blockers at 13, Double Mastectomy at 15, detransed at 16, [email protected].”

    The Instagram notice to Cole reads: “Your account can’t be shown to non-followers … Your account activity may not follow our Recommendations Guidelines…What this means: Your account and content won’t appear in places like Explore, Search, Suggested Users, Reels and Feed Recommendations,” according to an X posting by PragerU CEO Marissa Streit.


    In an X post Saturday, Cole said, “Facebook has notified me that my [Instagram] bio is too ‘violent’ …. If you think reading it is violent, imagine actually living through all that.” Cole underwent a double mastectomy of her healthy breasts at age 15, claiming she was rushed into that and other extreme transgender procedures by doctors and therapists given over to trans ideology, whom she now describes as “butchers and liars.”

    “It has ruined my life and I will never be the same. I will never get those years that I was supposed to be growing and thriving back,” she said at an Aug. 29 speech in California, which she posted to her Instagram account.

    The bold yet winsome Cole has gained a huge following and immense respect from critics of what sexual leftists euphemistically refer to as (trans-) “gender-affirming care.” Despite pro-LGBT activists’ protestations to the contrary, transgender “medicine” has pushed thousands of children like her across the Western world into undergoing cross-sex “surgeries” and hormone “therapies” that do permanent damage to their bodies. This has led to a worldwide blowback with several European nations banning trans procedures on youth and a spate of opposition legislation in dozens of U.S. states.

    The Instagram warning to Cole is headlined: “Our guidelines on violence.” It reads in part: “Our Recommendations Guidelines help to promote content that fosters a safe community on Instagram. …We try not to recommend content or accounts that show violence, such as people fighting. … This includes: All accompanying text or imagery that encourage violence, including hashtags, term, and bio information….”

    Cole said in a statement to the Post Millennial: “Facebook is absolutely correct in stating that my bio describes something violent – that is, my own life experiences.” She continued, “However, I am doing quite the opposite of condoning what doctors did to me and instead using my experience to raise awareness and encourage others to be compassionate.”

    “It is upsetting that they can claim I am promoting violence and using this narrative to hide my content from parents, children, and those who need to hear my message the most,” Cole said in the PM article published Sunday.

    Instagram warning sent to Chloe Cole which she reposted to her Instagram account screenshotInstagram

    Responses by conservatives and critics of the trans-agenda to the Facebook/Instagram doublespeak and restriction imposed on Cole was swift. Journalist and gender-ideology critic Christina Buttons wrote to Facebook/Instagram/Meta asking for clarification on the warning to Cole, and published her inquiry not on X. Buttons also noted in a follow-up X post that the episode “could be an error. This kind of violation is often automated due to mass reporting. Chloe appealed the decision, which means it will be reviewed by a human. If they still say she violated the rules, then it’s newsworthy.”

    PragerU’s Streit said on X: “Detransitioners like @ChoooCole are being blocked by Instagram because they are sharing the horrific experience of what was done to them when they were children??”

    And the social conservative group Family Research Council posted this response on X:

    “@instagram is correct. Chloe’s story is violent.

    It is violent to perform a double mastectomy on a healthy teen for no medical reason.

    It is violent to give experimental drugs to kids that block normal body functioning, permanently alter their physiology, and likely make them sterile.

    It is violent to tell parents, ‘you can have dead daughter or a live transgender son.’

    It is violent to be shunned by the medical community when you ask for help to correct the damage.

    But @ChoooCole’s story is real. And it’s happening to thousand of other kids across the country. Help stop the violence, @Meta, let the truth be heard. Unhide @ChoooCole.”



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