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    Investigative Journalist Unleashes Biden Bribery Bombshell


    Peter Schweizer already has established a reputation for himself as among the elite of investigative journalists.

    His books have been on the New York Times bestsellers list seven times, including his most recent, “Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win,” following his ever-popular “Clinton Cash.”

    He founded and directs the Governmental Accountability Institute, following a time as consultant to the Office of Presidential Speechwriting for President George W. Bush.

    One of his focal points has been corruption in Washington.

    And now he’s unleashed a bombshell on the Biden family:


    His comment responds to allegations, made in an official FBI document submitted by a trusted confidential source, that Ukrainians paid $5 million bribes to each Hunter Biden and Joe Biden.

    This was at a time when Biden was vice president for Barack Obama and in charge of Ukrainian policy for the U.S.

    Also, at that time, Hunter Biden was getting a cool $1 million cash a year to be on the board of the Ukrainian gas company, Burisma, even though he had no energy industry experience.

    The issue was that a prosecutor in Ukraine, Viktor Shokin, was tasked by the international community with reducing corruption, and was actively investigating and targeting Burisma.

    Then Joe Biden took a trip, as VP, to Ukraine, and threatened the nation with the loss of $1 billion in American aide if officials there didn’t fire the prosecutor.

    He was fired and the result, in effect, was that Burisma, and Hunter Biden’s massive income, were then protected.

    Congressional investigators also have determined that Biden family members took in something like $20 million over those years in what apparently was an influence-peddling operation.

    The bribery statements neither have been documented, nor debunked.

    But Schweizer said, “Read what the law says about bribery (18 USC 201). Joe Biden may or may not have been paid. But if his family got paid for official acts, that’s still bribery: ‘(1)directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public off(icial or person who has been selected to be a public official, or offers or promises any public official or any person who has been selected to be a public official to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent—’”

    A report at Revolver News explained, “The left dismisses all of this, calling it some kind of revenge ‘witch-hunt’ by the right. What’s funny is how suddenly ‘whistleblowers’ are no longer revered as ‘sacred heroes.’ Strange how that changed so quickly. Meanwhile, the propaganda media is busy trying to pin all of this on Joe’s crackhead son Hunter, the lowly ‘bag man’ of the family. However, Peter just dropped a legal bombshell on the entire case. Despite the left’s efforts to protect Joe by portraying Hunter as the sole wrongdoer, who clumsily ‘tried’ but failed to sell the ‘appearance’ of influence with his father, Peter argues that it doesn’t matter. Because when you actually examine what the law says about bribery, Joe Biden’s goose is already cooked.”

    In fact, the New York Post revealed:

    A bombshell FBI informant file describing a $10 million bribery allegation against President Biden and his son Hunter was released Thursday by Sen. Chuck Grassley, showing that a Ukrainian oligarch claimed that he was “coerced” into making the payoff.

    Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of natural gas company Burisma Holdings, told the FBI informant in 2016 while meeting at a coffee shop in Vienna, Austria, that “it cost 5 [million] to pay one Biden, and 5 [million] to another Biden,” according to the redacted FD-1023 form.

    “Zlochevsky made some comment that although Hunter Biden ‘was stupid, and his (Zlochevsky’s) dog was smarter, Zlochevsky needed to keep Hunter Biden (on Burisma’s board) ‘so everything will be okay,’” the June 2020 document says.

    The source asked whether Hunter Biden or Joe Biden told Zlochevsky he should “retain” the younger Biden; Zlochevsky allegedly replied, “They both did.”

    The federal informant — a Ukrainian-American who has been a trusted, highly credible FBI source for over a decade and been paid “six figures,” according to Grassley — described four conversations with Zlochevsky, beginning with a meeting near Kyiv in late 2015 or early 2016 and continuing through a 2019 phone call.

    The informant said each of his conversations with Zlochevsky occurred in the presence of a man named Alexander Ostapenko — giving the FBI a possible supporting witness.


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