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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    Labor Secretary Nominee Fumbles AB 5 Hot Potato at Congressional Hearing

    By Karen Anderson, California Globe,  6/13/23

    President Joe Biden’s nominee for the nation’s top labor secretary, Julie Su, appeared before the House of Representatives Committee on Education and the Workforce on Wednesday, June 7, 2023—but only after being threatened with a subpoena for her eleventh-hour attempt to evade the hearing.

    Her continued evasiveness was on full display during the hours-long grilling on Capitol Hill, especially when it came to defending California’s disastrous anti-independent contractor law AB-5 (Assembly Bill 5) that she endorsed and enforced during her tenure as California’s labor secretary from 2019 to 2021.

    Anyone who watched the hearing would readily conclude that AB 5 is a hot mess that must not become a model for the nation given the extreme lengths that Julie Su, with help from Democrat allies on the committee, tried to distance herself from the law that has cost hundreds of thousands of California freelancers their livelihoods since it was enacted in 2020. When asked if AB 5 is a good law, Su became frazzled and was unable to cough up an answer.

    Time and again Su assured the committee that AB 5 and the ABC test would never see the light of day in federal law, an unspoken confirmation that AB 5 is indeed an unmitigated disaster that should never be replicated on a national level.

    This must come as a surprise to Su’s colleagues in the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division, whose proposed new six-factor rule to restrict independent contracting nationwide is modeled precisely after California’s ABC test, the strictest classification test in the country. In its 184-page rule—crafted in part by Su—USDOL lauds California’s ABC test while lamenting the fact that they cannot, by statute, deploy the onerous ABC test verbatim into the Fair Labor Standards Act. However, as pointed out by Rep. Kevin Kiley (R-California) at the hearing, the language in the proposed rule mimics the ABC test nonetheless.

    On the question of California’s controversial Proposition 22, Su also deflected. Passed in 2020 by almost 60 percent of voters, the ballot initiative provides a carve-out from AB 5 for app-based rideshare and delivery platforms, allowing drivers in California to remain independent contractors. One would think that California’s former labor secretary would behave like any bona fide Big Labor proponent and readily denounce Prop. 22’s carve-out for Uber and Lyft, et al. But when asked by Rep. Kiley how she voted on Prop. 22, Su implausibly claimed she couldn’t remember—undoubtedly to the chagrin and shock of her allies in organized labor who might have tuned in to the hearing only to see their favored nominee crumble under simple lines of questioning.

    It must be galling for the labor movement—as well the law’s author, former Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez who now heads California Labor Federation—to witness their labor champion Julie Su fail to denounce Prop. 22 and not stand up for AB 5 and its onerous ABC worker classification test. Su’s duplicitous answers and contradictions about policies she championed reveal her weaknesses that have likely stymied her final confirmation vote in the U.S. Senate as her fate continues to hang in the balance.

    Whether evading important questions about her position on failed labor policies, denying her support of destructive joint employer standards for the franchising industry, or deflecting any responsibility for her role in the $32-$40 billion of fraudulent unemployment insurance claims in California doled out to criminals during the pandemic, Su’s slippery modus operandi is not a fit for the nation’s top job at the Department of Labor. Those few holdouts in the Senate should vote no on her confirmation and spare the nation of California’s fiascos.



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    Katy From Cambria
    Katy From Cambria
    1 year ago

    Another loser from California. Do the USA a favor and never elevate anybody from California to the national level.

    Katy from Morro Bay
    Katy from Morro Bay
    1 year ago

    Also, NEVER AGAIN elevate another loser from mar-a-lago to the national level.

    Mexico did NOT pay for the border wall. Orange Loser LIED to YOU.

    Katy From Cambria
    Katy From Cambria
    1 year ago

    See, that’s where you are wrong “Katy”. You are not smart enough to know that it is all about the remittances sent back to old corrupt Mexico. So: “Katy” smarten up or shut up.

    Katy from Morro Bay
    Katy from Morro Bay
    1 year ago

    Okay, “Katy”, how about showing all of us the accounting of remittances sent to Mexico from old corrupt trump? Can you post them here so we all can see them?

    Can’t, can ya? That’s cuz your one of the idiots Orange Baby can count on to destroy the beautiful Republic the rest of us love. Good thing there’s more of us with brains than you without them.

    1 year ago

    Look, a Kat fight! I love it.

    Decision goes to Morro Bay.

    Katy From Cambria
    Katy From Cambria
    1 year ago

    Still on “Fantasy Island” huh “Katy”? Remittances from Mexicans back to Mexico are real whereas whatever you are trying to say here is a guaranteed whopper. Pity your students who have to endure your nonsense. You are in education correct? I recognize the deliberate cover of trying to be both Christian and a “good American” You are nothing but an old, crusty left-wing hack.

    Katy from Morro Bay
    Katy from Morro Bay
    1 year ago

    So instead of showing your “evidence” you start name calling. What a loser.

    Katy From Cambria
    Katy From Cambria
    1 year ago

    “Katy”, you’re no patriot or good anything. But since you asked, my evidence is FAILED impeachment(s), failed indictments, failed evidence FAILED everything coming from demented Dims, shriveled up Pelosi, crooked Hillary, delusional AOC, and bug-eyed idiot Schiff. The whole lot are imbeciles. Get a life! Clown.

    Katy from Morro Bay
    Katy from Morro Bay
    1 year ago

    Hey “Katy” how does any of your bile provide “evidence” that Mexico paid for the border wall? The damn thing didn’t even get built you moron.

    1 year ago

    From Cambria, huh? So YOU yourself are a LOSER from California?

    Sorry, can’t fix stupid.

    Katy From Cambria
    Katy From Cambria
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Monica

    Another California loser identified. It’s Monica the deep thinker!

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