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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    One-way show is over: No witnesses; Vote on impeachment articles



    By Michael Hernandez 

    The one-way Democrat House Manager show is over.   We don’t need any witnesses in the Senate.  The Democrats can’t have it both ways—they either have a case against the President or they don’t—if they do, then no more witnesses are needed and this has been a fair trial.  The Democrat House had 17 witnesses—the President was not able to call one witness, cross-examine, or have any type of due process or fairness.  Every accused should have rights—including the President of the United States.

    If the House wanted more time for additional witnesses; they should have not rushed their case to the Senate.  It’s time for the Senate to do its job as a legislative body and vote on the articles of impeachment—finding President Donald J. Trump “not guilty” of the two impeachment articles.   The Senate took an oath of impartiality—something the House did not.  There is no purpose for the Senate to be paralyzed for future weeks if not months in a “sham” partisan and dangerous debate.  The Senate must not become a pawn of either Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff or House Judicial Chair Jerrold Nadler.

    The Constitution of the United States makes it clear that articles of impeachment come forth from the House of Representatives and the Senate determines if there is validity to those articles of impeachment.  This process is not dependent on the House nor the Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, who is presiding over these somber proceedings that were mocked by House leadership—particularly Nancy Pelosi as she gave away pens— during the signing of the Articles of Impeachment

    Jay Sekulow, private legal counsel for President Trump, was asked during questions on Wednesday, how much longer would the trial go if witnesses were brought forward?   His response:  “It would take a lot of time just to get through motions.  There have been 17 witnesses that the manager has put forward.   They want four additional witnesses in particular, if (the Senate) grants witnesses.

    “The White House and the President get what? We want Adam Schiff, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, the whistleblower and any additional people in the House Intelligence Committee that had contact with the whistleblower.   If we get anybody we want, we will be here a long time.

    “We want executive privilege.  I suspect Manager Schiff will want some sort of privilege.  We’ll go for many more weeks.  They (the House Democrats) put this impeachment forward in an aggressive and fast-paced way and now they are saying ‘we need more witnesses.’  (Turning to House Manager Adam Schiff):  Yet, 31 or 32 times you stated you proved every aspect (that this President needs to be impeached) and I don’t think you did.  (House Manager Schiff responds to Sekulow’s question of proof by saying “YES”).   Then you don’t need additional witnesses.”

    Sekulow on Tuesday argued on behalf of the President: “So far you have heard from legal scholars from a variety of schools of thought and a variety of political backgrounds, but we do have a common theme with a dire warning:  ‘Danger, Danger, Danger, to lower the bar of impeachment based on these articles of impeachment would impact the function of our Constitution Republic and the framework of that Constitution for generations.’”

    The impeachment of President Donald J. Trump has been advanced even before candidate Trump became President Trump by individuals who are consumed with hatred and a disdain for this 45th President and those who voted for him—the Deplorables.   Since 2018, the House Democrats have only worked to impeach President Trump.  They are a “do nothing” House.

    The early investigation of Trump was called Crossfire Hurricane—an investigation led by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and James Comey under the guise of the unverified Steele (Trump-Russia) Dossier—paid for by the Democrats and Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court warrants were obtained fraudulently with misinformation that allowed the intelligence community to spy on American citizens and eventually led to the Robert Mueller two-year investigation of the President which ended up costing taxpayers  32 million dollars and resulted in 2,800 subpoenas and 500 search warrants and witnesses.

    At stake, in this impeachment process is the Constitutional right of the people to decide at the polls by voting for their President—the People’s Choice.   Democrats wish to overturn the will of the people from 2016 and remove a sitting president in 2020 because they have no party candidate that can defeat him as evidenced by President Trump’s Wildwood, New Jersey rally on Tuesday, Jan. 28 in the district of U.S. Rep Jeff Van Drew (NJ, 2nd Congressional District) who switched to the Republican Party after the partisan House impeachment vote.    The 7,500 seat venue was packed with supporters standing for hours trying to gain entrance.

    The Trump impeachment has been about policy disagreements from unelected Deep State bureaucrats who are angry because the swamp in Washington D.C. is draining.Sekulow, in his defense of the President argued:  “When in the House of Representatives, did we go through a constitutional process?  Separation of powers means something.  We hear a lot about politics, if a partisan impeachment is now the rule of the day based on policy disagreements and personal presumptions and newspaper reports and allegations; then future presidents both Democrat and Republican will be paralyzed the moment they are elected and even before they take the oath of office.”

    Sekulow ended his comments:  “These articles must be rejected.  The Constitution requires it and justice demands it.”


    Michael Hernandez, Co-Founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service; editor of the History Makers Report and founder of History Makers International—a community nonprofit serving youth and families in Ventura County, is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor. He has worked 25 years as a middle school teacher in Monrovia and Los Angeles Unified School Districts. Mr. Hernandez can be contacted by email at [email protected].

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