TAKE THE PLEDGE! Join us in challenging yourself to create clean air in your community! The Clean Air Pledge allows individuals and organizations to commit to do our part to clear the air, through actions big and small. Take the Clean Air Day Pledge!
Are you or do you know a high schooler in the Oxnard Union High School District or Vista Real Charter High School? The Port’s weekly, after-school virtual Global Trade & Logistics class will be starting soon!
APPLICATION DEADLINE is SEPTEMBER 18 – students should talk to their teacher or guidance/career counselor for more information or contact OUHSD Career Education.
IN FOND MEMORY OF TONY SKINNER We are sad to learn of the passing of the Port’s dear friend, Tony Skinner. Tony was an ally and advocate for labor and a leader to many. His legacy will live on with all of us. We will continue to honor his memory and his incredible work on the historic Project Labor Agreement executed with trades, the Port and Harbor Commissioners.
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