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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    Prominent Publication Pokes Fun At Biden’s ‘Gender’ Agenda

    WND, biden, gay sex, monkeypox

    Bob UnruhBy Bob Unruh

    One prominent publication on Thursday took a turn at poking fun at what really is a serious problem: Joe Biden being “hopelessly out of touch with voters’ priorities.”

    The Washington Examiner said in its editorial that the list of problems Americans face is long: “Inflation is at its highest level in decades. Store shelves are empty. The southern border is in chaos. Hundreds of Americans are still trapped in Afghanistan. China just tested a hypersonic missile. Employers can’t find workers to keep their businesses running. No wonder more than 60% say the country is going in the wrong direction.”

    But do not fret, the writers explained: “President Joe Biden has a ‘National Gender Strategy’ that will turn everything around.”

    That leftist ideology “is every bit as ridiculous as it sounds,” the commentary charges.

    “Identifying ‘gender equity’ as a ‘moral and strategic imperative,’ the strategy promises an ‘intersectional approach’ that acknowledges ‘compounding forms of discrimination’ including gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, age, and socioeconomic status.”

    Biden’s claim is that his agenda point will be an “aspirational vision” for the country.

    “The agenda in the document is, at heart, the same tired laundry list of new government programs that progressives have been trying to force on the nation for decades using other specious justifications,” the Examiner explained. “Nowhere does the ‘strategy’ address inflation or the border crisis. The only time COVID-19 is even mentioned is when the document asserts that no one has suffered more from the pandemic than ‘women and girls of color.’ And that’s not even true — the data indicate that men are more likely to die from COVID .”

    The editorial points out the expected result of Biden’s departure from voter concerns: “CBS has a new poll out showing that only 37% of people believe Biden is focusing on the issues they care about. What a huge surprise. Majorities of voters believe Biden hasn’t focused enough on inflation (60%), the U.S.-Mexico border (57%), and jobs (53%). Somehow, Biden’s gender equity strategy isn’t assuaging their concerns.”

    Critically, independents are leaving Biden in droves, the commentary noted.

    “Democratic pollster Joel Benenson and Republican pollster Neil Newhouse recently teamed up to survey more than 2,600 likely voters. They found that 70% of independent voters believed the country was headed in the wrong direction and that independents identified ‘inflation,’ ‘immigration and border security,’ and ‘COVID pandemic recovery’ as their top three concerns.”

    It said, “Biden has completely ignored independent voters from day one of his administration, taking far-left positions on everything from immigration to energy. The independent voters have noticed, and they aren’t happy.”

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