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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    Report: Illegal Votes In Wisconsin Could Have Pushed State To Tipping Point

    WND, biden, gay sex, monkeypoxBob UnruhBy Bob Unruh

    At virtually the same time a sheriff in Wisconsin was recommending charges against members of the state election commission for violating the law during the 2020 election, a report appeared showing how the state could have counted enough ballots that were illegal under state law to change the results to Joe Biden.

    Dan O’Donnell, in his report at The Federalist, said an audit has revealed “tens of thousands” of votes likely should not have been counted.

    But they were.

    He cited the “explosive” revelations from the Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau’s report that reveal “what many in the key swing state have long suspected: Those tasked with administering the election willfully ignored and openly violated state law.”

    He noted that the Wisconsin Election Commission runs elections in the state, but if the six commissioners – three from each political party – cannot agree on a recommendation, the hired staff issues a report.

    “The overwhelming majority of WEC’s decisions during the 2020 election cycle were essentially made by unelected, unappointed, and obviously left-leaning bureaucrats,” he explained. “Both they and the commissioners who oversee them were downright derelict in their duty to fairly and impartially supervise an election run by city and county clerks and poll workers who were not properly trained and did not receive accurate, lawful guidance.”

    The reported specifically cited the state’s legal requirement that if an absentee ballot isn’t filled out correctly, the clerk may return it to the voter.

    But “in direct violation of this law, WEC issued guidance to clerks in 2016 that allowed clerks to ‘cure’ such incorrect information on ballot certificates themselves,” the report explained. “The Legislative Audit Bureau (LAB) did not investigate the number of certificates that clerks cured, but still found a significant number of incomplete ballots that, according to state law, should not have been counted.”

    The numbers revealed that auditors “reviewed 14,710 absentee ballots cast in 29 municipalities across the state, including nine of the 10 cities in which the highest numbers of absentee ballots were cast. Stunningly, the city of Madison refused to allow the LAB to physically handle its ballots. Madison, Wisconsin’s capital and the most heavily Democratic city in the state, was the primary reason Joe Biden won Dane County over Donald Trump, as it voted for Biden by a whopping 75.7 to 22.9 percent.”

    His report continued, “The review of ballot certificates revealed that 1,022 of the ballots reviewed (representing 6.9 percent) ‘had partial witness addresses because they did not have one or more components of a witness address, such as a street name, municipality, state, and zip code.’ Fifteen of them (0.1 percent) ‘did not have a witness address in its entirety,’ while eight (less than 0.1 percent) ‘did not have a witness signature,’ and three (less than 0.1 percent) ‘did not have a voter’s signature.'”

    Applying those percentages to the nearly two million total mail-in votes in the state showed there were an estimated 135,512 absentee ballot certificates only had a partial witness address, 2,002 did not have a witness address at all, 1,068 did not have a witness signature, and 401 did not have a voter signature, the report said.

    Those ballots, legally, should not have been counted in the state where Biden defeated Trump in Wisconsin by just 20,682 votes.

    Those results create doubt about the victory given to Biden, the report suggested.

    O’Donnell also noted officials in Madison refused to allow auditors to review their work, and state officials did not utilize programs designed to prevent vote fraud.

    Further, he pointed out there were no attempts to resolve questions over the 45,665 people who registered to vote who “did not match Wisconsin Department of Transportation drivers’ license records.”

    LAB also found evidence individuals may have voted twice, felons voted, and that “11 individuals who died before November 3, 2020, likely voted.”

    It was another issue that prompted Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling to refer a case to prosecutors suggesting charges against election commissioners for allowing people in nursing homes to help residents vote.

    State law requires teams of voting deputies to do that, meaning all of those votes cast that were not in compliance with the law should not have been counted.

    The sheriff explained he found evidence of votes from people whose relatives say they did not have the capacity to vote, and even a vote from one woman who had died a month before the election.

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    Michael A...
    Michael A...
    2 years ago

    Dims love the Third World. The masses are easy to manipulate don’t ‘cha know. Elections? Those are for suckers. Open borders? Bring it on, more ignoramuses on the voters roles. Blue states foreva’!

    Christopher Schulz
    Christopher Schulz
    2 years ago

    WOW where do ya gotta go to get some election integrity around here

    2 years ago

    Dufus Alert

    2 years ago

    Yawn. More freaks making fabricated freaky claims.

    Can you please start reporting some Real News for Ventura County?

    Your fake news has gotten old and boring.

    Ricky Robles
    Ricky Robles
    2 years ago
    Reply to  @RealJesse

    I am with you @RealJesse

    These hit pieces are solely made to get you to click for ad revenue

    Report the real stuff on Ventura County please, not dang Wisconsin

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