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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Lion Or Lunatic

    Read Kennedy’s book before you blast it. “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.”  

    The human suffering caused by the megalomaniacs and egomaniacs revealed are so horrific and distressing, that I could only read the content in small chunks – and I’ve spent 30 years as a mental health professional helping individuals with complex trauma. If the stuff exposed in Kennedy’s book doesn’t shock you and shake you to the core – then nothing will.  

    What is the publisher saying to critics?  

    “Complex scientific and moral problems are not resolved through censorship of dissenting opinions, deleting content from the internet or defaming scientists and authors who present information challenging to those in power,” states Tony Lyons, publisher of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s, new bestseller.  

    The beginning of the book lists name after name of medical professionals that support Kennedy in their quest “to champion evidence-based science and ethical medicine.” They have sacrificed reputations to stand up for truth and provide legitimate treatments for COVID patients. 

    Why hasn’t the trio of terror sued Kennedy if the information is libelous or slanderous?  

    Kennedy’s book is full of fact-checked citations with hundreds of endnotes. He calls upon Americans “to resist medical authoritarianism.” Why? For the purpose of saving human lives from the coronavirus.  

    Why is Fox the only mammoth news network reporting on the war waged against free speech and personal freedoms on Capitol Hill? Where are the mammoth newspaper companies and media outlets? Where are the American journalists who are supposed to tell both sides of the story?  

    “The only security of all is in a free press.” ― Thomas Jefferson 

    “The disturbing story that unfolds here has never been told, and many in power have worked hard to prevent the public from learning about it. The main character is Anthony Fauci,” writes Kennedy.  

    The powerful propaganda machine comprised of Fauci and the puppet masters have proclaimed that any words that do not spew from their mouth is “misinformation.” Fearmongering is an old tactic. Vilifying the character of other educated professionals that disagree with you is an old tactic. Silencing the news media is an old tactic.  

    Every American has a choice on whether to read and discuss his book. It will change how you forever view the most powerful people in the United States of America. And nobody has filed a lawsuit against the documented information in Kennedy’s book. 

    Ask your local public library if they carry, “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.”  

    Visit for plethora articles about the coronavirus. Children’s Health Defense is Kennedy’s non-profit organization. Its mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and to establish safeguards so this never happens again. 

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is a lion. Thank God for his passion and persistence to help humanity.  

    “When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.” – C.S. Lewis 

    Melissa Martin, Ph.D., is an author and syndicated opinion-editorial columnist.

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    Sheryl Hamlin
    1 year ago

    Shameful hit piece by what was once a reputable news source …

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