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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    The Real World Impact of Gov. Newsom’s Edict About Walgreens

    Is Gov. Newsom telling Walgreens to violate the laws of the other states in order to keep doing business in California?

    By Katy Grimes, California Globe

    Walgreens’ announced last week that the pharmacy chain would no longer sell abortion pills in 20 states after attorney generals from those states threatened legal action. Walgreens’ decision came about following the United States Supreme Court decision Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which officially reversed the abortion law Roe v. Wade.

    The Supreme Court ruling sent the issue of abortion back to the states, with some states choosing to tighten up the window in which a pregnant woman can legally have an abortion.

    California did the opposite, enshrining abortion through the 9th month into the State Constitution, and declared California an abortion sanctuary state.

    The real world impact of California Governor Newsom’s edict about Walgreens is extensive. As a business enterprise, the real world impact is that the availability and accessibility of medical care will be reduced by Gov. Newsom’s impulsive, irresponsible action, primarily in communities that only have one pharmacy, and for those on Medi-Cal.

    March 6th, Gov. Newsom Tweeted:

    California won’t be doing business with @walgreens — or any company that cowers to the extremists and puts women’s lives at risk. We’re done.

    Wednesday, Newsom issued a press statement announcing, “California is pulling back its renewal of a multi-million dollar contract with Walgreens, following the company’s preemptive decision not to dispense the abortion medication Mifepristone in 21 states, including states where abortion remains legal.”

    Newsom’s edict is all about states which don’t support abortion through the end of a woman’s pregnancy.

    On Monday, Governor Newsom called for the review of all contracts between the State and Walgreens and today’s announcement is a result of that ongoing review. Wednesday the governor went even further, digging his heels in:

    “California will not stand by as corporations cave to extremists and cut off critical access to reproductive care and freedom,” said Governor Newsom. “California is on track to be the fourth largest economy in the world and we will leverage our market power to defend the right to choose.”

    “Reproductive care” is a misnomer when the outcome of an abortion is the death of a baby. Freedom is an entirely separate issue.

    Common sense says most “one pharmacy” communities are lower income, just like communities with only one grocery store. Will Gov. Newsom be creating a pharmacy desert? He certainly will be reducing the ability for many people to get their prescriptions filled in their own town.

    Walgreens is complying with the laws of other states. Is Gov. Newsom telling Walgreens to violate the laws of the other states in order to keep doing business in California?

    Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey and 20 other state Attorneys General wrote a letter to Walgreens explaining their position about the pharmacy store’s plans to obtain and sell abortion pills:

    “First, many people are not aware that federal law expressly prohibits using the mail to send or receive any drug that will “be used or applied for producing abortion.” 18 U.S.C. § 1461. Although many people are unfamiliar with this statute because it has not been amended in a few decades, the text could not be clearer: “every article or thing designed, adapted, or intended for producing abortion … shall not be conveyed in the mails.” And anyone who “knowingly takes any such thing from the mails for the purpose of circulating” is guilty of a federal crime. Obviously, a federal criminal law—especially one that is, as here, enforceable through a private right of action—deserves serious contemplation.

    What is next for the imperious Governor Newsom? “Is he going to dictate speed limits in other states?” a friend rhetorically asked. Will he demand other states use California’s K-12 public school curriculum? Will he demand other states buy his wife’s creepy “gender justice” films?

    How is it that Gov. Newsom doesn’t recognize that he is the one “cutting off critical access” to pharmacies, when he accuses other states of “cutting off critical access to reproductive care and freedom.”

    As the Globe reported, “For Walgreens, who hasn’t been shy before about closing poorly performing stores, the sudden loss of a lot of customers could force a bunch to close due to the drop in revenue. So that means not only more lost business, but job loss in California. There are nearly 600 Walgreens stores in the state, and they all account for about 10% of all pharmacy orders in the state. If a bunch of people have to suddenly move their prescriptions out, we’re talking about an overnight shift of several percentage points in state pharmacy orders. A lot of insurance companies have agreements with Walgreens right now, so those could be severed as a result. Big shifts where people buy things don’t just happen that quick.”

    In low-income and minority communities throughout California, there may be only one pharmacy. What happens when that pharmacy is a Walgreens?

    Gov. Newsom’s bluster and bullying Walgreens is one issue; thinking he can bluster and bully 21 other governors and state Attorneys General is entirely another. However, it may be entertaining to watch.

    The letter to Walgreens was signed by:

    Andrew Bailey, Missouri Attorney General

    Treg Taylor, Alaska Attorney General

    Ashley Moody, Florida Attorney General

    Steve Marshall, Alabama Attorney General

    Tim Griffin, Arkansas Attorney General

    Chris Carr, Georgia Attorney General

    Todd Rokita, Indiana Attorney General

    Daniel Cameron, Kentucky Attorney General

    Lynn Fitch, Mississippi Attorney General

    Drew Wrigley, North Dakota Attorney General

    Gentner F. Drummond, Oklahoma Attorney General

    Marty Jackley, South Dakota Attorney General

    Brenna Bird, Iowa Attorney General

    Jeff Landry, Louisiana Attorney General

    Austin Knudsen, Montana Attorney General

    Dave Yost, Ohio Attorney General

    Alan Wilson, South Carolina Attorney General

    Ken Paxton, Texas Attorney General

    Sean D. Reyes, Utah Attorney General

    Patrick Morrisey, West Virginia Attorney General


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    I know Better
    I know Better
    1 year ago

    Newsom is a real piece of work. He is scared to death of the death penalty for perfectly guilty pieces of shit that have done truly horrible acts. On the other hand is perfectly willing and encourages the slaughter of perfectly innocent unborn babies up until the time the babies are fully formed and functioning. What a man! What a simp! What a craven politician!

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