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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Will Dems Become ‘Election Deniers’ In 15 Months?

    So, with Russia-Russia-Russia, impeachments I and II, and four politically engineered indictments choreographed to appear in the midst of the next presidential campaign, what does the Democratic Party do if they finally get to circulate a jailhouse mugshot of Donald Trump? What does the Democratic Party do if their nemesis wins presidency anyway on Nov. 5, 2024? Suffering succotash, say it isn’t so!

    Every time a new attack hits Trump, his support grows. With a 37% advantage in the GOP primary and a split among Democrats over Joe Biden, the Dems are desperate to imprison and destroy Donald by any means.

    Whatever the decision on Nov. 5, 2024, will it be allowed to stand? Or will those in power today determine the future of America and the world? Will Marxism wipe away personal freedom and free enterprise? The case is being made daily by the left that a Trump victory cannot stand. The Democrats accused Trump of attacking democracy when he challenged some of the vote-counting. It was, they said, un-American. Yet here they are, facing the apocalypse they projected upon Trump.

    Given the level of vitriol coming from the entire Democratic political leadership and their allies in the media, there appears no way the Marxists are going to let their revolution slip away.

    Smart money would bet the Democratic Party would deny the election results, claiming once again Trump was spreading “disinformation” and “attacking democracy” and he could therefore not be allowed near the presidency. The future of humanity would be at stake, and with a cause so just and great as their own, the left would man the barricades to deny the election.

    This would not be like Al Gore questioning his bitter Florida loss, or Hillary Clinton’s inability to wrap her mind around the fact she not only lost a “sure thing” but did so in spectacular fashion. This is being presented by Democrats as the ultimate battle.

    So the United States is being primed for revolution in about 15 months. No less than former Vice President Mike Pence declared this week Trump cannot be allowed to place himself above the Constitution. The thrust of Democrat/media warning is that Trump cannot be “allow near” the presidency.

    PBS Wednesday evening ran an interview in which the anchor used the Smith indictment as evidence of Trump’s guilt, knowing the indictment is not evidence of a crime, but only an allegation of a crime made by a single attorney. A grand jury is perhaps the most un-American event in our justice system. It’s product is orchestrated by a single person.

    On that point, the media were elsewhere. The media said it would be impossible for Trump to prove his innocence because of the indictment. Think about that for one second! No one represented Trump before the grand jury. It heard only what the DOJ special prosecutor wanted it to hear. Yet Trump is pronounced guilty.

    That means, of course, the media missed American history as taught in the eighth grade, history that declares the Republic has a justice system, and it is up to the government to prove guilt, usually by convincing a jury. Guilt is not a media declaration. It is not even the exclusive realm of the Department of Justice hired gun. And indictment is not a reason to dismiss a person or a candidacy.

    But what is clear is the Democratic Party, on the issue of Donald Trump, is committed to the total destruction of this man, no matter what. For a conservative supporter of Mr. Trump, the lineup of Trump haters seems more like a World War II Axis army than it does a difference of opinion among Americans.

    For someone born before World War II, someone who has seen America prevail on the world’s battlefields and sweep away the despots, then pivot and reach for the stars and in the process walk on the moon, the deep division brings nothing but sadness. But there is more.

    Americans receive almost no world news. What foreign affairs are reported mostly involve the president and American foreign policy. There is a rising tide of conflict on all continents. The list of nations at peace is shrinking. The U.S. is closing embassies, The U.S. is the major arms supplier in the world, and its manufacturing base cannot keep pace with demand. Ancient conflicts are reemerging. Insurgencies threaten existing governments. There is a lot of chaos in the world right now. Imagine the world’s reaction to a coup d état in the United States. In that event all the options appear to lead to chaos.

    Obviously, the Democratic Party is determined to prevent Donald Trump’s candidacy, and his election – and it has the support of the Bush wing of the GOP.

    Maybe that is why the Founding Fathers put the political power in the hands of the people?


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