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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    Cover-Up Exposed: Thousand Oaks Borderline Charity Event Political Power Play

    By George Miller

    More on the aborted Oct.6 Borderline charity fundraising event honoring Fallen Hero Sgt. Ron Helus to have been held at Newbury Park High School. Corrupt political influence and cover-up exposed ….

    New Highlights:

    1. Confirmed now that the hateful words uttered by VCSO Thousand Oaks “Police Chief” Tim Hagel to the Foundation execs are true. There was even more.

    2. Still no apology or refutation of those words by Hagel or anyone in the Sheriff’s office. Update: Sheriif’s office told us that they do not endorse the “alleged” words although did not concede that they were uttered.

    3. It is becoming clearer that the main instigator of derailing the charity benefit was 44AD Rep. Jacqui Irwin’s office, using the questionable claim that the organizers had “politicized” the event.

    4. The trigger for this seems likely to have been the inclusion of attorney, congressional candidate and former election opponent of Jacqui Irwin in the AD44 election, Ronda Baldwin-Kennedy.

    5. VCSO is opening an administrative investigation regarding the alleged comments that were reported by the Fallen Officer’s organization.

    6. VCSO has covered up and misrepresented some of what went on. We explain it here.

    We recommend that you read our previous story on this first:

    Thousand Oaks Fundraiser Event for Borderlines Fallen Officer a Casualty of Politics- or More?

    Thousand Oaks Fundraiser Event for Borderlines Fallen Officer a Casualty of Politics- or More?

    By George Miller- What precipitated this article were claims that a fundraiser honoring Sheriff’s Deputy Sgt. Ron Helus- the leading hero of last year’s Borderline shooting in Thousand Oaks, CA. was effectively sabotaged by Tim Hagel of the Sheriff’s Dept, who is known as the Thousand Oaks “Police Chief.” How and why he did that […]


    Some of Police Chief Tim Hagel’s words (mostly verified), per Mike Randall, event organizer:

    Randall was told by Chief Tim Hagel, “These people do not represent our fabric of our community and nothing good will come out of this event by having them there.” (presumably referring to Scott Baio, Joy Villa and Ronda Baldwin Kennedy)

    “The only thing you could have made this worse was by inviting Dick Cheney or Sara Huckabee Sanders, this is not Trump Country and that slogan making America great again is not popular within 1200 square miles of this event!”

    (Regarding having Joy Villa sing the national anthem):

    “That’s it… this isn’t Trump Territory out here, unfortunately if she does that we wont have any elected officials show.” “It’s either her or no elected officials show! Hagel went on to say “Im looking at her website right now and it starts out with Making America Great and that slogan is not popular for over 1200 square miles around here.” “We would have to put major security teams around here. She is not represented of our ideology of our community” Hagel added. “We don’t want anyone supporting making America great again and just her presence does that.”

    As near as we can tell, what brought this to a head is that Fallen Officers event promoter Mike Randall told attorney and candidate for Congress Ronda Baldwin-Kennedy that the Sheriff was withdrawing his support and that she was one of the reasons they cited. So, she went to California Political News Editor Steve Frank, who wrote a story about it, featuring Hagel’s over-the-top attack, demonizing the speakers, Trump supporters and Conservatives in general, which was in turn picked up by Fox News (without attribution) and went “viral,” appearing in dozens of publications. Randall also sent a press release out on the matter. Hundreds of people called, wrote, or emailed to complain about the behavior of Sheriff’s office Thousand Oaks “Police Chief” Tim Hagel in the matter.

    Meanwhile, Citizens Journal started getting reader comments, emails, messages and phone calls asking what was going on and why hadn’t we published anything about it. When we read the stories, we saw that they were very one-sided and incomplete, so we saw the need to address that.

    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>L R Attorney and Congressional candidate Ronda Baldwin Kennedy Dist 44 Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin<span>

    But Hagel may not even have been the main villain, although he had some culpability. Fallen Officers event organizer Mike Randall said that Nancy (Frawley) of District 44 Assembly Member Jacqui Irwin’s office complained to Hagel that the event was politicized and objected to Republican Trump supporters being invited. We don’t know for sure whether she complained directly to Hagel or through someone else in the Sheriff”s office. 

    We also attempted to contact Nancy Frawley on this, but were short-stopped by Communications Director Karie Portilli. I asked her if Frawly had contacted the Sheriff’s office to complain about the alleged politicization of the event. Instead of answering directly, she said that Jacqui Irwin had pulled out of the event citing  the politicization and the legitimacy of the organizer’s nonprofit status (the latter issue was only brought up in the last few days). This and the dissembling statement provided (below) may constitute a “sin of omission.” Namely: did Irwin only pull out because the Sheriff and family did as her office claimed, or did she actually instigate that? When I redirected her to the question of whether Frawley had called, she professed not to know. I said that’s why I need to talk to Nancy. She responded that “such things are simply not done” and that is why I needed to talk to her. I asked her to please find out and get back to me. Still waiting. All we ever received is this below which still didn’t answer our question:

    Statement solicited from Assembly Member Jacqui Irwin

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                           

    October 3, 2019

    CONTACT:  Karie Portillo

    (805) 483-4488 or [email protected]

    “Our community came together in the painful aftermath of the Borderline shooting when 12 people were murdered, including Sergeant Helus who charged into danger to save our friends and neighbors.  That is what Ventura County does as a community.  We come together.  We come together as friends, neighbors, and, yes, as Republicans and Democrats.  I’m very disappointed in what has happened over the last week.  We have mourned at funerals together, we have memorialized the victims at the State Capitol and in our community parks, and we have called, texted, and kept in contact with families as they find their way through unimaginable grief.  Our community has been focused on healing for the past 11 months and now a group that has no ties to Ventura County or California has come to tell us that we are doing it all wrong.  Those organizing the event are trying to divide our community.  They are disparaging Thousand Oaks Police Chief Tim Hagel, a personal friend of Sgt. Helus.  Chief Hagel is revered in this community for his commitment and service.  The people who live here know that.  Honoring Sgt. Helus and the victims of the mass shooting has been my focus since last November and will continue to be my focus. I chose to withdraw after the Sheriff’s Department declined to participate and it became clear to me that self-promotion was being put before our community and before honoring Sgt. Helus.  I choose to lift up the names and memories of Cody, Alaina, Blake, Daniel, Jake, Justin, Kristina, Mark, Noel, Sean, Telemachus, and Sgt. Ron Helus.”

    The organizers never said anything negative until after Irwin’s high-handed actions, Hagel’s highly objectionable comments and VCSO pulling event support for what the Foundation believed to be unjustifiable reasons. It appears that Irwin’s concern was the Republican speakers and that she only weighed in when Baldwin-Kennedy was announced in mid-September. Randall told us that VC GOP (Ventura County Republican Party) had recommended her. The Democratic Party declined to recommend anyone, so the Organizer Zore Foundation invited Jacqui Irwin and Julia Brownley. It is not known to us how Gov. Newsom’s Law Enforcement Liaison was also selected.

    While Irwin’s office claims they pulled out because the Sheriff and Helus family did, they conveniently neglected to mention that they were the ones who first made an issue of it and the VCSO took no action until that occurred. To back-fill, the Sheriff’s office is throwing around bogus accusations that the Foundation politicized the event and brought in speakers without their knowledge and consent, but evidence herein shuts that line down brutally.

    Re: “Those organizing the event are trying to divide our community.” This is laughable, since it was Jacqui Irwin who politicized and divided with her bogus complaint and pressure on the Sheriff’s office. Our timeline (and other sources) establishes that there was zero opposition within VCSO until AFTER Ronda Baldwin-Kennedy was added to the speaker’s list on August 14 and after Irwin complained. There was a prohibition on political discussion at the event. The Foundation’s strong reaction to it via an acerbic (but accurate) press release didn’t help, but at least kept it from being swept under the rug.

    Interview of Zore Foundation/Fallen Officers Founder Rosemary Zore:

    Watch the latest video at

    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>Ronda Baldwin Kennedy<span>

    Attorney Ronda Baldwin-Kennedy Weighs in

    As stated previously, it was actually Ms. Baldwin-Kennedy who initiated breaking this story. When the Foundation informed her that the Sheriff and the Helus family pulled support and of the circumstances surrounding it and showed her the proof, she went to Steve Frank of CA Political Review. He ran an inflammatory, but it turned out, accurate, report of  Thousand Oaks “Police Chief” Tim Hagel’s behavior and especially his highly derogatory political invective, covered in our last article and a host more published by others.

    Fox News and other media quickly picked it up. from this or Zore Foundation’s VP Mike Randall’s press release. All of the initial round of stories were based almost totally upon event promoter Randall’s rather vengeful, but accurate press release attack on the Chief and Sheriff’s Office, but lacking in other sourcing. This publication and the Acorn both ran more in-depth stories.

    Baldwin-Kennedy provided us with this statement. In her own words:

    It’s very sad that our Elected representatives behave this way.  It seems Irwin is a bit bitter and vindictive because I ran against her. I wonder if her two previous white opponents were treated this way?  Irwin calls me her nemesis- wow. I’ve lost what little respect I did have for Julia Brownley, she’s absent yet again. She can do what’s right and condemn the behavior of Irwin and Hagel. Maybe Pelosi didn’t give her permission to speak on the matter, they’re too busy trying to impeach our President on trumped up corruption acts. There is actual corruption in our State.

    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>L R 26CD US Rep Julia Brownley never accepted the offer to participate 44AD Rep Jacqui Irwin dropped out blaming event politicization<span>

    John & Ken Show explores the incident, interviews Ronda Kennedy

    The subject is covered over several segments scattered throughout this radio show, but it’s worth listening to. We’ll write a summary if and when we get time, but right now, it’s more important to get this article into your hands.

    Mayor Rob McCoy Revisited

    Thousand Oaks Mayor Rob McCoy had put out a statement last week of full support for Hagel and also attacking Zore Foundation’s Vice President and event organizer as a profiteeering outsider. To some, it implicitly seemed to include endorsing Hagel’s terrible political attack on the speakers, Trump supporters and Conservatives in general.

    He included this matter in his church sermons on Sunday at Calvary Chapel Godspeak, where he is the Senior Pastor. McCoy basically reiterated his public statement, with some caveats.

    10-9-19 update: I removed a more detailed description of the sermon after Pastor McCoy pointed out that he was comfortable with what I wrote, but they had a policy not to disseminate church proceedings, so I removed it. You might be able to find it on their website though, with copyright protections claimed.

    Ventura County Sheriff’s Office 

    Since our telephone interview with Undersheriff Monica McGrath last Wednesday, we had been unable to get any answers to our growing list of questions. We made one more try Monday morning, trying to contact McGrath, Tim Hagel and then Sheriff Bill Ayub. After leaving a message for Ayub, we heard from McGrath within a couple of minutes, apologizing for the delay and promising  to talk to me that afternoon, she didn’t. When I followd up again, she said she was stuck in meetings and would email me an answer to my questions. Here’s what she sent us:

    Thank you George for your patience, as this has been a bit of a busy week. Regarding both questions, we are opening an administrative investigation regarding the alleged comments that were reported by the Fallen Officer’s organization. Just to confirm, the Sheriff pulled out of the event when the organization indicated they wanted speakers of various backgrounds – the sheriff was adamant that we were not going to politicize the death of our officer.

    Well, they may not be just “alleged” anymore, since we have multiple sources confirming them, including Hagel himself, per Mayor Rob McCoy on Sunday (several hundred witnesses heard McCoy say that).

    Next,  saying “the Sheriff pulled out of the event when the organization indicated they wanted speakers of various backgrounds” is an interesting statement. He objects to having speakers of “various backgrounds?”

    We were finally able to get in contact with VCSO Undersheriff Monica McGrath on Tuesday afternoon. She is in the unenviable position of dealing with annoying press people like us on public relations disasters like this while simultaneously attempting to protect VCSO. Gotta give her credit for her professionalism. We have to do our job, she has to do hers.

    She started by saying this is now under internal investigation and that Hagel must be protected regarding his role and “alleged” comments. I told her these are not so “alleged” any more given what we have discovered.

    We both agreed that he should not be destroyed, but I told her that we need to ensure that such things cannot ever happen again.

    She stressed that Hagel’s alleged remarks are not reflective of the department and they do not at all endorse them.

    McGrath repeated that the Sheriff pulled out because they did not want political speeches. I reminded her that there were written instructions that there were to be no political speeches, which she acknowledged. She said they never wanted any speeches at all. However, speakers were added to the roster starting in early August, with no objections at the time, I mentioned. Some were Democarats, some were Republicans, for balance. Hagel’s objections seemed to be directed at Republicans, who were visible Trump supporters- just their mere presence on the speakers’ roster may have been unacceptable, even with pledges of no political discussion. So, it it might then seem that maybe the Sheriff’s office does in fact agree with some of Hagel’s comments about them not being representative of community values and “ideology” (yes, he really said that). McGrath’s response was that they didn’t want any speakers, which was not Hagel’s thrust.

    I wrote a thank you and summary of my conversation to the Undersheriff. Minutes after that Sheriff Ayub called and asked me to state my concerns, which I did. We were unable to agree on whether the organizer had “politicized” the event, so I presented my evidence that he hadn’t. Both he and McGrath were very professional, but seemed more interested in protecting the office than anything. They were very guarded about any discussion of political influence by Irwin. Both stressed and asked me to stress that THE SHERIFF’S OFFICE REJECTS THE CONTENT OF THE ALLEGED STATEMENTS AND WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY POLITICAL ACTIVITY WITHIN THE SHERIFF’S OFFICE. We discussed some possible next steps, which I will not discuss at this time, but will watch what happens.

    The elephant in the room is that the event is not happening because Jacqui Irwin’s office first went to VCSO and complained and threatened to pull out due to the speaker lineup. Everything was seemingly fine until just after the selection of attorney and candidate Ronda Baldwin-Kenendy was announced. If there were problems before, no one voiced them to Foundation people, Randall claims. Not long after that, Randall was contacted by Hagel, who read him the riot act, letting him know that the speakers didn’t represent community values and ideology and that no one within 1200 square miles was into MAGA, etc., etc. Before Randall was able to talk to him again about the speaker roster, which included Democrats and Republicans (Hagel was only concerned about the Republicans), Hagel pulled the plug. He had indicated he received information about the speakers from Jacqui Irwin and alleged that he would get more from her. He also told Randall that he would seek the Sheriff’s counsel, which suggests that the Sheriff made the final decision to pull the plug. The VCSO answer above appears to confirm thatr.


    Is the Zore Foundation a Profiteering Outsider?

    Mayor Rob McCoy accused the Foundation of being outsiders profiting from this event. He said that only 60% would go to the Helus family and the organizer  would walk away with/profit from other 40%. He said he saw a copy of the contract that confirmed this. So far, we have been unable to obtain a copy of it, having asked McCoy, the Sheriff’s office and Randall for it. Interestingly, Randall said there IS no written contract and that it was an oral understanding that everyone agreed to. He said there was never a word of objection about the arrangement, even after Hagel pulled his support. He believes that this objection was manufactured after the fact to help deflect attention from Jacqui Irwin’s power play and Hagel’s hateful words. When I asked him if he profited from it, he said he’s living off the proceeds of sale of a business and that they have been focused on Foundation work. He asked how they expected them to cover expenses. When I ran that by McCoy, he said that the Ventura County Community Foundation donated 100% of the proceeds of their events. True or not, if so, their expense money simply came from other donation sources. Money is fungible.

    Randall’s own words:

    We had conversations about the 60-40 split with Kevin and also Karen and Don when we met. There was never a “contract” -we never have a contract. They knew exactly the arrangement. And not once ever was an issue! 

    Yes we want an apology and vindication.

    Are Zore Events Political?

    Here are the highlights from one. You decide:


    Mike Randall and Rose Zore told me that are were sick at heart at the pain these people and the events have caused the bereaving Helus family. They got on fine with the family and received multiple compliments, like the samples shown in this article.

    When I remarked that the press release from Randall seemed vengeful, he defended its truth, but then conceded it was written in passion, not vengeance. Some people on both sides thought the press release was quite harsh, although most of the assertions seem to be supported.

    —–Original Message—–
    From: [email protected]
    Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 5:30pm
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Speakers

    We never thought anything we were doing wasn’t approved????

    We sent Scott Baio just because… We never sent Joy Villa because she was on the site for almost a month and they had already been to our site and approved the edits??? So we are clueless.
    As for Ronda Kennedy we had no clue that would be the smoking gun!
    Michael Randall VP/COO
    The Fallen Officers/ Robert L Zore Foundation

    The Paper Trail

    Zore Foundation is the only party which has sent us their version of the paper trail. If any parties have any reason to doubt the veracity of the following or have relevant correspondence which would shed light on the situation, please send to [email protected]

    This might all have been just “he said, she said” stuff, but Randall kept a paper trail, which VCSO and Irwin cannot refute. He never anticipated such a disagreement, but he did keep his correspondence. We also heard an audio of a particularly shocking phone conversation which enabled us to verify claims and have the confidence to present it here as fact. We didn’t ask for a copy of the recording nor were we offered it. Probably best that it stay that way.

    There were three first person witnesses/participants to the conversations. Two have gone on the record so far. On Sunday, Mayor McCoy also said Hagel had “taken ownership” of the comments.  Just so people can’t possibly claim we’re making up a fanciful story, we are presenting some of the paper trail right here …..

    (we have loads more stuff and just didn’t have time to post it all)

    This established that Karen Helus was onboard and enthusiastic about the event until mid-October…..


    From Steve Frank of CA Political Review: “Just spoke with Randall–they met with Mrs. Helus on August 8 at the East County Sheriffs office on Madera, outside of Simi Valley near the Reagan Library.  Meeting lasted almost two hours.
    Also, they told me they have a direct message (sending me a copy) of an email thanking them for doing this event from Mrs. Helus.”

    These were enthusiastic shares by the family/friends of the event promo video, indicating that they were still on board with what was happening until mid-September, when Irwin got involved and Hagel pulled the plug shortly thereafter, per Sheriff Ayub’s instructions (Ayub confirmed to us on 10-8-19 that he was the one who did that, in the belief that the event was being politicized). The speakers were posted on the event public web page as they were added, so all that was known. No one protested, per Randall.



    Event promo video- does this look “political?”



    This disproves VSCO claims that it did not know of and disapproved of having speakers at the event ….

    (More legible text of this below) ….

    On Aug 2, 2019, at 5:35 PM, Aguilar, Don <[email protected]> wrote:

    Hi Mike,

    Sheriff Ayub and his Adjutant, Captain Eric Hatlee, have reviewed the press release and want to pass on the following edits to reflect accuracy. I am not sure which local leaders have committed but if you have some to this point, go ahead and add them in. California State Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin’s district covers Thousand Oaks. She is a very strong advocate of law enforcement and I encourage you to reach out to her.

    Paragraph 1
    August 3, 2019 (Thousand Oaks, CA): The Fallen Officers will host their First Annual Co-Ed Flag Football Tournament called “The Sgt. Ron Helus Blue Bowl” October 6, 2019 at Newbury Park High School, in Thousand Oaks CA from 8 am-3:00 pm to benefit the family of Fallen Ventura County Sheriff’s Sgt. Ron Helus. We will have a brief memorial service to honor Sgt. Helus followed by a presentation to the family.
    Paragraph 2
    Ventura Sheriff Sgt. Ron Helus was shot and killed when he responded to an active shooter at the Borderline Bar & Grill on November 7, 2018. Sgt. Ron Helus, a 29-year veteran, responded to reports of gunfire at the Borderline Bar & Grill. He entered the Borderline and exchanged gunfire with the suspect. Because of his actions, Sgt. Ron Helus saved lives.
    Paragraph 3
    There will be a moment of silence for Ron Helus before the National Anthem and the Ventura County Sheriff’s Honor Guard will present the colors. In addition, former and current NFL players will be on hand for autographs, pictures. Get your Company, Business, Family and Friends and register your team for this great cause today. Sheriff Bill Ayub and other local leaders will be part of the pre-game memorial to honor Ron Helus . This is an event you don’t want to miss. The deadline to register your team will be October 4, 2019. Winner of The Blue Bowl will receive the Ron Helus Trophy for bragging rights and will be invited to our National Gala Mission 2244 held in Naples, FL March 13, 2020 Please go or to register and support the blue.

    Once you have the final draft, go ahead and distribute and email one to me and I will send out on our social media.




    From: Mike Randall <[email protected]>
    Subject: Re: Edits for Press Release
    Date: August 6, 2019 at 11:43:55 AM EDT
    To: “Aguilar, Don” <[email protected]>

    Will do when I land.

    We will supply the bag pipes.
    Also what time are we meeting in the morning?
    Thank you


    The Fallen Officers/ Robert L Zore Foundation
    365 Fifth Avenue South Suite 200
    Naples Fl, 34102
    Email: [email protected]
    Direct: 800-712-0831

    On Aug 6, 2019, at 11:37 AM, Aguilar, Don <[email protected]> wrote:

    Looks good.  Have you updated the website info?   We will supply honor guard for the colors but not the bagpipes. 

    Captain Don Aguilar

    Ventura County Sheriff’s Office
    (805) 797-7349


    Begin forwarded message:
    From: “Aguilar, Don” <[email protected]>
    Subject: California State Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin, 44th District
    Date: August 23, 2019 at 12:50:23 PM MST
    To: Mike Randall <[email protected]>


    Hi Mike,
    I just spoke with Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin’s Aide, Nancy Frawley.  Jacqui’s district includes Thousand Oaks and she wants to part of the morning ceremonies. Assemblymember Irwin’s website:

    Please contact Nancy Frawley:

    Cell (805) 358-1268
       Don Aguilar, Assistant Police Chief
        Thousand Oaks Police Department
        2101 E. Olsen Road
        Thousand Oaks, CA 91360  (805) 797-7349

    From: mike randall <[email protected]>
    Subject: Hello
    Date: August 29, 2019 at 2:47:37 PM EDT
    To: “Aguilar, Don” <[email protected]>


    Do you guys have any issue with Actor Scott Baio being a VIP Speaker at the event?




    From: Fallen Officers [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2019 5:09 AM
    To: Mike Randall
    Subject: The Ron Helus Blue Bowl Co-Ed Flag Football Tournament/Memorial Sunday October 6, 2019


    Good Morning-

    On behalf of our Founder Rosemary Zore…we Thank You for accepting this invite for a very special event for a true hero…Sgt. Ron Helus.

    We wanted to send you the “Ron Helus Blue Bowl Schedule” so you can see the itinerary.

    We have attached for you the map of the event, your VIP invite and the schedule.

    The Location:

    Newbury Park High School

    456 N. Reino Rd,

    Newbury Park, CA 91320


    The Time:

    Please arrive by 7:45am

    When you arrive our volunteers will direct you or your driver to the VIP Parking which is located on the map.

    Once parked our volunteer will escort you to the VIP area where you can enjoy coffee, juice, water and breakfast items. We will have you autograph the “Ron Helus Blue Bowl Footballs” then at 8:20am you will be escorted with the Ron Helus Family to the field area for the start of the Memorial.



    You can have 1-2 minutes to discuss the sacrifice of Fallen Officer Ron Helus and Law Enforcement. The Ron Helus Blue Bowl Tournament is to “Remember Their Sacrifices and to Honor Their Families.” We also want to Unite the community and get respect back for law enforcement. We have to “UNITE”. Your speech should fit the guidelines on why we are here…this is not a political event. We all need to come together and honor, respect and to unite.

    If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call us directly at 1-800-712-0831 or email us anytime. I will be your main contact for this event. My direct number is 239-227-9696 and you can call or text anytime.

    Thank you so much for taking your time out of your busy schedule to “Remember Ron Helus’s Sacrifice and the victims of the Borderline Bar & Grill and to also Honor their Families.


    Michael Randall

    The Fallen Officers/ Robert L Zore Foundation

    Email: [email protected]
    Direct: 800-712-0831

    Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube


    From: “Frawley, Nancy” <[email protected]>
    Date: September 17, 2019 at 4:09:28 PM MST
    To: Fallen Officers <[email protected]>
    Subject: RE: The Ron Helus Blue Bowl Co-Ed Flag Football Tournament/Memorial Sunday October 6, 2019

    Hello Michael,

    Due to the political nature of the event and our Sheriff’s Department no longer being involved, the Assemblymember will not be a part of the Flag Football Tournament.



    Nancy Frawley

    Deputy District Director

    The Office of Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin

    2301 Daily Drive #200, Camarillo 93010

    Office: (805) 482-1904



    Subject: Please Follow Up
    Date: September 19, 2019 at 9:36:08 AM EDT
    To: “Aguilar, Don” <[email protected]>, “Donoghue, Kevin” <[email protected]>


    Don and Kevin-

    Can you please call me today to discuss what has transpired.
    We wanted to reach out one more time.
    Mike Randall


    Michael Randall VP/COO
    The Fallen Officers/ Robert L Zore Foundation

    Sponsors started being informed of the Sheriff droppeing support one by one: Example:



    From: Mike Randall <[email protected]>
    Subject: Re: Garrett Hull Blue Bowl Re-Cap Video
    Date: October 4, 2019 at 11:33:14 AM EDT
    To: “Donoghue, Kevin” <[email protected]>



    I wanted to email you and thank you! Your a stand up guy for emailing us back on the 19th.
    Rosemary and I are beat down, devastated because we never wanted this and NEVER wanted to cause the Helus Family any pain!  This is the worst part!!
    What happened and what was done was not right and how we were treated. Not by you. I will not say anymore.
    Thank you for your Service and be safe!


    We say  don’t drag this out, resolve it quickly and let the healing proces begin, but only after steps are taken to ensure that nothing like this ever hapens again.


    Some other recent, relevant press coverage:

    Sheriff’s department pulls out of charity football game for fallen officer

    Political Pressure Behind Cancelled Charity Event for Slain Ventura Sheriff’s Family

    This guy is a Sheriff’s liaison to the family and was clearly upset by Randall’s take no prisoners press release. Actually they couldn’t have continued, because the sponsors were all notified about the Sheriff and family dropping support and allegedly some told Randall that they heard the event was cancelled, undercutting financial support and participation …..
    On Oct 4, 2019, at 6:37 PM, Donoghue, Kevin <[email protected]> wrote:
    Thanks for the email and the kind words. I have a strong sense of duty towards the Helus family and they are my number one priority. The question Karen and I would like to know is why did your organization feel compelled to issue a media release after the Sheriff choose not participate? Why did that matter and what did you hope to gain?
    You had the sponsors, you could have easily continued with the event and it would have been a success. Instead, you choose to ring the bell and draw all of this negative attention onto the Helus family. I know that Karen would have been extremely grateful had the event gone as planned. The Sheriff nor Karen Helus spoke out about you or your organization in a negative way, and they did not publicize their non participation. When I saw your foundation President give a video speech about “being bullied” it really upset me because that is simply false. For someone to characterize Karen or the Sheriff as a bully is simply ridiculous. No one from the Sheriff to Karen Helus bullied anyone. I am very disappointed for the actions of your organization because they have done nothing but create unneeded stress and anxiety for the Helus family at the time they are marking the first anniversary of his passing.

    Added 10-10-19, because some are still insisting that this 501 (C) (3) doesn’t exist:


    Some Other Press coverage

    George Miller is Publisher/Co-Founder of and a “retired” operations management consultant residing in Oxnard.

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    Ventura Raised
    Ventura Raised
    4 years ago

    Anyone notice this organization hasn’t been audited by a third party accounting firm yet? I thought it’s a requirement for all 501c3 and foundations. Something fishy with this. Where did the money go from this event? I know the sponsors are wondering how much went where.

    Deborah Lee
    Deborah Lee
    4 years ago

    The Sheriffs remark ‘make America great again [Trump supporters] are not welcome within 1,200 miles of here’ is correct…he said exactly what myself, all my friends and every one of my neighbors would have said about a MAGA crowd encouraged to gather in the Conejo Valley. Definitely NOT welcome here!

    Dan Roatcap
    Dan Roatcap
    4 years ago

    welcome to the Republic of Kalifornia, where Social Marxist called democrats control the state. Those who are not of the “party” are banned from speaking that MIGHT be antithetical to the “party’s” POV.

    Unfortunately, the Chief is a good guy caught up in partisan politics. This will cause him many a sleepless night….

    Martin Fentress
    Martin Fentress
    4 years ago

    For the good of the community the Thousand Oaks Chief if Police needs to go. He is paid to be the chief of all the residences of Thousand Oaks not just the ones who are Democrats.

    4 years ago

    So it’s Been stated clearly that Hagel is a great servant and protector of the community but did he say those negative comments towards supporters of the POTUS or not? Nobody should ever glaze over the details when it involves individuals positioned with GREAT responsibility. I also hope Irwin isn’t “hiding in the shadows” as this continues to play out. She is supposed to be a representative and voice of our community. I appreciate this article trying to get to the bottom of this.

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